Part I: Chapter VII

Start from the beginning

After what seemed like hours of feeling out name, I finally stumbled upon the words I'd been searching for:

'Rebel Captive: Name Unknown'.

I slowly walked over to the cell, and stuck my hand inside. Immediately, a warm, familiar hand surrounded mine, and a breathed a sigh of relief.

"Silas," I murmured, "I'm here to save you."



"All security agents 'A" through 'G' please report to the fourth floor," the voice boomed through my earpiece. "Agents 'H' through 'M' remain on standby on the third floor."

Cheering inwardly, I placed a hand on Red's shoulder, causing him to finally stop his hour-long speech about his love troubles. "Fourth floor for me."

Sighing, he nodded. 

Immediately, I turned away, hurrying to the elevator. I stepped through the parting doors with two other guards accompanying me. The doors slid closed as the elevator silently took us upward. I drew in a breath, calmly removing my gun from its holster.

What a fun way to spend a boring night.

"Security units on floors two, one and in the basement, remain alert," came the voice through my earpiece. "Third floor guards, remain on standby. Fourth floor, approach with caution. The rebel intruder is most likely armed."

"I'll take the lead," someone said from behind me. Silently, he steps pass me, before fading into the path of darkness.

Moments later, sounds of a struggle drift our way followed by a thud.

Oh, the fun the night brings.



Bright orange hair had dulled considerably in the mere two days he'd been locked up here.

Once I'd gotten him out of the cell, I noticed the bandages wrapped around his shirtless torso, drenched in blood.

"Silas...what..." I began to ask.

He covered my mouth with his hand, "Not important," he replied, "Right now, we need to focus on getting out of here."

We were about to move off when a security guard came charging towards us, brandishing a gun. Without a second thought, I whipped out two knives, throwing one at his kneecap and the other at his throat. He managed to deflect the one aimed at his throat, but the other lodged itself firmly in his knee causing him to scream out and fall to the ground, his weapon forgotten.

In a flash, Silas snatched up the dropped gun and shot the guard twice in his forehead to silence his screams.

We shared a look. These guards were like cockroaches. Where there was one, there were many.



You would think that if they wanted security guards to do an effective job of stopping an infiltrator, the higher-ups would allow us to actually see them. And I don't mean throw flyer's with the person's face printed on them. No. I mean turn on the damn lights so I can see more than three feet ahead.

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