|Case|09: Found you.

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hey! Wow even though i edit the chapters I still miss some couple of words and now i'll do it right, i'll try to make my error less and have fun writing this story.

I'm so surprise and happy some are still slush willing to wait for the next chapters. You guys are AMAZING.

And i might change my own chapter kyhiana sawada into more playful and childish but still mature.

that's all for my bubbles of speech.

[E N J O Y]



"Different languages"



April 19
×mid day ×
•At kyhiana side•

"Are you ready for the big day?" Ziago ask. straighten his suit. He look handsome in suit, soon when he saw me staring at him, he wink. I snort and look away.

"Hell yea! I'm ready for my debut!" He chuckle. Smiling innocently, i saw him smiling cause I'm facing the mirror and his just five steps behind me. He is now, comping his golden-like-blonde hair.

"And to be conan's date?" I accidentally poke my head with the hairpin and felt my cheek blush. Oh glap, that sneak attack hit me critically!

My poor heart.

"It isn't a date! It's like a friend going with a friend kind of thing!"i babble in the speed of sound, and quickly went back, fixing my hair. Still had the pinkish blush on my cheeks.

Damn with just that sentence my heart is going wild.

"Yup, A thing"he implied. Hiding a devilish smile. I 'hmped' and bite my inside cheek. Keeping my mouth shut to avoid another sneak attack.

I won't fall for you!

That sound wrong... But I'll have my revenge! Soon it will come. soon! My dear Ziago! Soon! I remark. On the back of my mind, and do the villain laugh and arrogant pose.

"So what's with the suit? Normally i know demi gods wear some kind of white fabric and it's attache with some rodes" I ask, change the 'date' thing topic.

And that suit remains me of sebastian. That darn devil. Ehem.

He raise an eye brow and cross his arms "what?! Those fashion you speak of doesn't match up with my gorgeous face!"

"Well, when i first saw you, i thought you're the realm reaper, remember the black coat thingy? and the second time i saw you, you wore a blue hoddie with some sloppy pants and walking around bare foot which is look like someone i know. And that someone is also holding a stick. Now Tell me that isn't some kind of poor fashion sense and kind of copy cat person." i back fire. Wow I'm so mean. however he only laugh and stop with a mocking smirk.

Detective Conan/Magic kaitou 1412: Unsolvable Caseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن