Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

We know that for some people, an SPR review can be a stressful, but necessary experience. Your review today helps our glorious society manage our limited resources, maintain peace and ensure that only the most deserving of our society prospers. Your cooperation will ensure a harmonious experience for all. Let us know if there is anything we could have done today to make your time with us more pleasurable. Please ask your receptionist for a comment card.

Hannah smirked. "Could I have a comment card, please?"

The receptionist reached over to a box next to her screen and picked up a small card and held it out to Hannah. Hannah reached for it, but the woman snatched it back.

"Why?" the receptionist said sharply, her grip firm on the card.

Hannah pointed at the sign behind. "Oh, I just have a few ideas how today could have been made more pleasurable for me. Don't worry, I am having a meeting with General Briggs later; I'll be sure to ask him if I need help writing down my comments."

The woman visibly paled before her, her eyes wide. Hannah enjoyed seeing a trace of terror flick across them. She gave the woman a large smile, picked up the clip board and snatched the card out of the polished, jewelled claw. She turned, lifted her head, pulled back her shoulders and turned around. Avoiding eye contact with her audience, she spied a seat in the corner of the room and sat down. The room seemed to release it collective breath, the person who had sniggered was now silent and slowly idle conversation began again.

Hannah placed the comment card on the seat next to her and took a pen from the clip board. She tried to remove the cap, but her trembling hands made it difficult. Calm down Hannah she spoke to herself. Within seconds Hannah was regretting her outburst. She'd never liked confrontation and hated the thought of hurting another person but all her buttons had been pushed. She looked back to the receptionist who sat biting her polished, pointy nails and staring at the poster. I am as good if not better than you spoke a voice inside Hannah's head. She hated that inner voice.

Hannah looked at the paperwork and sighed. She had a lot to read. Nerves getting the better of her, she struggled to get purchase on the pen lid, so put the end of the pen in her mouth and pulled. It came away with a satisfying snapping sound. Hannah started to write.

Name: Hannah Green

Age: 18 years

Next was her address, but it had been pre-printed on the form; Diana and John's address. A rush of annoyance had her shuffling in her seat. Why was her new address there and yet she still had to complete her name? The next few questions were simple: eye colour, known illnesses ... She read and answered them quickly, many of the questions requiring only a tick in the NO boxes. At the bottom of the page was a consent form for her to sign. A note at the bottom of the page instructed her to read a set of rules and disclaimers attached. She shuffled through and found it. Hannah was exceptional at reading and comprehension, though she'd managed to keep it hidden at school. However the words written on the form seemed to be designed to confuse. Having an SPR over eighty meant she was entitled to read this information. The Flawed were given no special consideration. Their opinion wasn't important and neither was their consent. Hannah laughed softly. Why did they go to the bother of this charade? Like the Flawed, the top twenty had no choice in the matter either. The testing was mandatory, non-attendance punishable by law. How often did people actually refuse to sign she wondered? She read on...

You, the candidate are to undergo a Standard Perfection Rating (SPR) review. SPR reviews are compulsory. This consent form includes information about this review. The purpose of this review is to assess your current Perfection score. You, the candidate, are being asked to participate in this review because you are over the age of eighteen and/ or it has been no more than 365 days since your last review.

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