Chapter 30- "Hey kiddo how have you been?"

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"I agree with her. Moreover, I already have plans for lunch. And I'm not ditching my friends for a stupid ball that I have no interest in." I add.

Looking completely calm, Mom begins to answer, "Be that as it may, you will have to come along with us for this is a family event."

I snort. "Since when are we a family, Mom?" I retort, really pissed at the idea of not being able to meet Nathan or my friends and gauge their reactions when they open my presents.

"You will not use that tone when you address your Mother. The two of you are coming with us and that's final." Dad butts in, tired of the bickering.

"But dad that's unfair! You can't just walk in home a day before Christmas Eve and expect us to cancel all our plans according to you!" I retort.

"Well too bad what you think is of little importance to us. You're coming along with us whether you like it or not." Dad finally snaps.

I grit my teeth in anger. "Unbelievable! Dad this is not acceptable. I'm not canceling my plans at the last minute for two people who despite being my parents, didn't even have the decency to frikkin raise me!" I shout at the top of my voice, hot tears flowing down my face.

Hazel places a hand on my shoulder and adds a few harsh words of her own as well. Dad's bottom lip starts to quiver in anger and he raises his hand as if to hit me.

I flinch but don't look away. I don't mind taking a hit for expressing my opinions. If I could, I'd do it all over again.

Dad glares at me again and just as his palm is about to connect with my cheek, Mom stops him and jerks his hand away.

"Neither of these ungrateful girls are worth it, David just calm down." She says sneeringly.

Hazel grunts, "Yes sure, we're definitely ungrateful for expecting the two of you to be home for more than twenty days a year. Sue us!" She mutters, before glaring at Mom.

Rolling her eyes, mom mutters something about us never letting that go, as if it was child's play to do so. "Your outfits for the ball have been handpicked by my personal designer. They're lying on your beds. Be ready on time, the more you resist, the more compelled I will be to make sure you girls actually mingle with all our associates. And remember, David and I are not exactly ecstatic about this incase you haven't noticed yet, so just do as you're told." She finishes gruffly, before turning her back to us, her way of saying that the conversation is over.

My scowl deepens as I hear what she has to say. But I know she will actually carry out her threat and if Hazel and I push it any further, who knows what else she might do.

Don't get me wrong, she isn't abusive or anything but she might  cut off Hazel's allowance or take away her car or something like that. Worse still, she might ask some relative to move in with us or something.

And the only thing worse than living alone with your 17 year old sister and having to sort of fend for yourself for the most part, is living with a relative who'd rather be anywhere else and being forced to getting accustomed to their, frankly, unwanted presence.

As is pretty evident, ever since Mom and Dad pulled their disappearing act on us, Hazel and I aren't exactly suckers for any family except for each other.


I get up early on Christmas morning and look out to see that it's indeed still snowing lightly, and although there won't be a blanket of snow, I'll get my white Christmas all the same.

I quickly shoot all my friends a text wishing them a Merry Christmas before hopping into the shower.

As I'd finally gotten around to telling the gang about the whole scene with my parents, they'd all reassured me it wasn't a big deal and that they could reschedule for tomorrow morning.

Because I'm a Nerd. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें