First Kiss

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I sigh and eat the little pieces of food that I had. It had been some time now since I last saw Anabelle, Emerald and Osman but I think that was for the best. Ana and Emerald would've been pretty sad and I missed them but as for Osman I did miss his humour and continuous arguments but I didn't miss the way he treated me that day. He obviously knew what I had done but I knew what he had done as well. He really was a spoiled brat, going ahead and living a normal life, getting a job and eating wonderful food but never sharing anything with us.


I turn around and smile, Ana had found me. "Hey there! What's up?"

She smiles slightly, "The sky... Emerald and I were wondering if you could come back to the warehouse..."

I raise an eyebrow, "What about Osman?"

Anabelle sighs, "He's been a lot more distant these days. Ever since you went he's hardly spoken..."

"Are you sure we're talking about the right guy?" I ask, concerned.

Ana nods and I stand up, "Yeah... Sure... I'll come back..."

Once the two of us get back I go over to Emerald who's filled with joy, circling around me in happiness. The wolf continuously barks and I smile, "Yes, hello there Emerald, have you been good?"

I'm replied with two barks and I pat her on the head.

"So you're back then."

I look over to Osman who's been looking over at me for some time now. "I guess I am." I reply still in my happy mood.

Osman nods and I slowly walk over to where he's sitting and sit next to him. "I've heard you haven't been your usual self."

He smirks, "I guess it's just not the same without you."

I smile softly at him, "Yeah... I guess..."

Anabelle and Emerald come over and join us at the table. "So," Anabelle begins, "Any news? Anything that must be brought up?"

For the rest of the day we do what we usually had done, talk for ages, Osman and I would argue, Anabelle and Emerald would muck around until it came to 8:00

"God, it's eight already! I better get going, sorry."

I look over to Ana, "Sure, I guess Emerald's coming with you?" I get a bark in reply, I smile, "See you tomorrow then."

The two wave goodbye and then go, leaving Osman and I by ourselves.

"I think I better be going too..." I say, getting up and heading towards the door.


I turn to Osman who's right behind me. "Yeah?" I say, nervously, Osman was closing in, I could feel his breath once again but this time it was different.

"I need to talk to you." He whispers.

"Well you're talking to me right now." I say back wonderingly.

"It was your birthday today, correct?"

I nod slowly, "You remembered."

He smiles slowly then leans in, kissing me softly. We stay there for a moment, staying in the moment, until Osman pulls off.

"Happy birthday." He murmurs, walking off.  

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 22, 2016 ⏰

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