Killed for Good?

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"As I said, I found the murderer, talked to him and found out the explanation of why he killed that man."

"But... Why? I don't get it... Why kill someone in the first place?"

I look down, "That's what I wanted to ask... But I wasn't able to..."

"I see..."

There was silence for a bit, I, as well as everyone else, was thinking about what had just happened, my mind was trying to process it but couldn't.

"We better get back to the warehouse."

I look up to Osman and nod, "Yeah that's probably best..." I look over to Emerald, standing up, "Come on..."


I look back to Osman, "What?"

He sighs, "You can't go ahead and use magic so quickly."

"Isn't that my choice?" I'm beginning to get frustrated.

"Yes, but-"

"Okay then, let's go."

Emerald grabs onto me and I start my path. "I'll see you there..."


After some time, being the quickest at travelling, I get there the fastest. "Only a few hours..." I mutter and slowly head to the table.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I cough, "I'm fine Emerald... Just... Go on home, meet back here tomorrow, ok?"

Emerald nods and walks out the door. I cough a bit more. That was not a good idea, maybe I should've listened to Osman...

"I told you."

I snap my head over to the door, "You got here quickly."

Osman walks over and sits on the chair next to me, "I've been practicing... You ok?"

I nod, "Yeah, fine." I rasp.

"You don't look it..."

I look straight at him, he was worried, genuinely worried. "Where's Ana?"

"I told her to go home."

"Why?!" I shout.

Osman winces, "Because, I know that she'd just make it worse."

I go to say something but stop. I realise that he's right, he's been right for some time now.

I nod and more silence follows.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me."

"Fine, but..."


"Just stay here tonight, understand?"


"Good." Osman stands and walks out the door.

I go over to the couch that we had here for emergencies and lie on it. I think about the conversation with Osman for a bit then go onto thinking about that man, the man who had killed someone for good?

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