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Darth Vader's ship floated just outside of Tatooine. The sensors they had picked up from Pansem had vanished as soon as they entered the system, making it unreasonable for the Empire to land and search for her. She wasn't the main target – Skywalker was.

"Sir," a first lieutenant greeted as he stood attention in front of Vader. "Our fleet has tracked the Princess and the Millennium Falcon to Naboo."

"Naboo," Vader repeated, his helmet rumbling as he spoke.

"Yes, sir. Skywalker is believed to be with them." After a few minutes of silence, he added, "The Emperor wished to speak with you."

Vader turned, his cloak whipping through the air as he spun. He strode toward the window of the cockpit. Memories troubled his mind as he fought to decide what to do with the information. Then, finally, a decision.

"Put him on. Then, ready my ship, lieutenant," he ordered. "I want to capture Skywalker personally."

"Yes, my Lord."

Once the lieutenant disappeared, Vader brought up the message channel, displaying a big, blue hologram of Emperor Palpatine.

"Darth Vader," his voice seemed to sing. "I suppose by now you've learned the boy and the Princess are on the planet of Naboo."

"Yes, Master," Vader bid. "And the smuggler, too."

"I hope your personal feelings won't get in the way of things." Palpatine reminded the Dark Lord of his history with Naboo – a history he didn't want to remember.

"Not at all, Master."

Queen Apailana showed the group to an open room somewhere in the back of the castle. Then, she bid farewell until she received word that the rest of the Rebellion had been brought to her by her army. The space was decorated with a big sitting area and several massive, open windows.

Naboo continued to remind Leia of home. For a moment, she contemplated the possibility of making the planet the new home of the Rebellion, but she knew it wouldn't work out in her heart. The Queen was hospitable, but this was her planet, not the Alliance's.

Once they were left alone, the group was finally given time to reunite. Chewbacca sat in one corner, attempting to repair something on Threepio while Luke put Artoo into rest mode. There was always something wrong with the golden droid, it seemed.

Leia stared out the window towards the green landscape in the distance. Blue mountains climbed high into the sky and the trees in the fields below blew gently in the wind. The Princess sighed silently, taking it all in. The Alliance had been with the Senate, then on Alderaan, then on Dantooine before it moved into space. Then, they were on Chad, and now here. This was her favorite of all those places...all except for Alderaan, of course. Nothing would beat home.

"You miss it, don't you?" Han's voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

Leia turned her head to face him. Solo stood looking over her shoulder with his fingers hooked on his belt. She was trying her hardest to keep her feelings hidden, but he had read her well.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she bickered.

Han rolled his eyes. "Sure, Princess. Just like you didn't know what I was talking about the other day."

Her cheeks flared up with red. "Clearly that poison's gone straight to your head."

Solo sucked in a breath but turned around to leave the Princess alone. His attempt to cheer her up had failed miserably, but then again, when had it ever succeeded?

Episode IV S : The Rebel Retreat - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now