CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten

Start from the beginning

"What did you say Aohomine?" Kagami yelled as the two players butted head.

The two suddenly yelped and grasped their sides in pain.

"Stop it you two, we're in middle of a game," Kuroko calmly said his hands raised in a stabbing motion, "Unless you want to get stabbed again."

The two players glared at each other before walking away with a 'hn'.

"Aha! Go Tet-chan!" Koyuki cheered while laughing. Everyone sweat dropped at her carefree attitude.

"Doesn't she know if they lose, she needs to go on a date with these douche bags?" Midorima mumbled as he lifted his glasses up his nose.

"Yuki-chan aren't you worried?" Takao questioned as he put his arms around her slim shoulders.

"Why would I, Takao-kun? I know our team is strong and they will win, though we might actually have a hard time." Koyuki answered with a stoic expression fairly similar to her cousins.

"Anyways! Can I have a timeout pleeeaaaaaasssssse?" She yelled waving her arms. Everyone stopped what they were doing watching the rather small teen.

"What, Koyuki?" Akashi questioned as he boredly walked over to her.

Koyuki frowned at the red head and crossed her arms, "Be a bit more enthusiastic Aka-kun! I'm trying to help you guys win!" Everyone raised an eyebrow at her suspiciously, "Ok so here's my plan, I want Mu-kun to do what he usually does. Hm, if you're able to prevent the other team from shooting over thirty times I'll treat you to an all you can eat dessert buffet or I'll specially make whatever you want to eat."

The purple giants eyes sparkled, a hint of drool coming out of his mouth. He enthusiastically nodded his head and ran back to the court his eyes narrowed at the other team.

'She made him easily listen to her!' Himuro and Yōsen members gaped in amazement.

"Ok since Mu-kun is guarding I don't think it'll be much of a problem but, let's see Mido-kun and Dai-kun, I want you to guard the Kiri guy, you two can switch roles when you need to but always have keep an eye on him," she ponder for a moment, "Mido-kun successfully guard and make over ten three pointers I'll give you the special edition classical music CD you wanted so much."

The mentioned green haired teen brought his right hand to his left hand quickly unwrapping the tape. He pushed his glasses up his nose with a tape free hand the light reflecting off his glasses. He quickly walked over to the court in position.

"Wow, I've never seen Shin-chan listen to somebody so obediently!" Takao cried.

"We need her on our team," Otsubo, the Shutoku captain muttered. Miyaji nodded in agreement glancing at the green haired freshman who usually annoys him.

Koyuki then turned towards the tan teen looking at him closely, "Hm, I've got few numbers of the gravure idols you liked, what were there names? And I think you left one of your books at our house when you came to visit Tet-chan..." A dark look appeared on the girls face. Though the tanned teen seemed to not noticed.

"You got Maiko-chan's number? I'm going!"

"Aomine-kun," Momoi sweat dropped as she watched her childhood friend stretch happily.

"Yuki-chan, what should we do?" Kuroko asked suddenly appearing next to Kagami making the tall red haired teen freeze with the blonde next to him.

"Whoa! Kurokocchi! When did you get here!" Kise yelled grasping the area his heart should be.

The light blue haired teen frowned scratching his neck, "I've been here from the beginning."

"Gah! Stop doing that!" Kagami screamed and smacked his fist onto the phantom players head.

SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko no basket fanfic)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now