Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten

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"Run around the field three times under ten minutes or I'll make the workout three times harder!" Aida Riko, coach of the Seirin basketball club yelled, her voice echoing through the gym.

'I swear under that face there's a devil,' Hyuga Junpei, the captain of the team thought as he looked at the petite brunette.

He snapped out of his thought as she yelled out his name to run faster. With a loud puff, he picked up the pace and ran in front of his teammates.

Riko huffed with worry as she wrote down the data of each player's weakness and strength. To win the winter cup they needed to improve, and she meant a lot. After getting defeated by Touou, the team was thirsty for victory.

"One minute left," the brunette yelled as the players sprinted into the gym one by one. She looked worriedly out the door waiting for the last player to run in.

"Five, four, three, two, one," she yelled. As soon as she yelled the last number, Kuroko Tetsuya, the former phantom player of Teikou Middle school ran in, in last place.

Riko sighed and shook her head watching the boy collapse next to the other huffing and puffing players. Even though he was one of the GoM (Generation of Miracles) his stamina wasn't as strong as the rest.

As she deep in her thought she looked at the door and let out a silent scream as she saw a petite magenta haired female looking her way.

'When did she get there?' She thought. Riko could easily see the girls bright magenta eyes stand out with her pale white skin, and unlike herself, the magentanette was wearing casual clothes, while she herself was wearing the school uniform.

Riko could tell that the girl's rare colored hair was long and was probably cascading down her back even when it was in a high pony tail.

The magentanette's black jean shorts and tank top hung on her perfectly and Riko couldn't help herself but feel jealous about the mysterious girls already developed chest, which looked to be at least a C, bigger then her own B.

"Ummm can I help you?" Riko asked the girl smiling kindly.

The fragile looking girl gave a polite bow and smiled, "I'm looking for Kuroko Tetsuya," she whispered, her voice gentle and sweet.

The boys that were panting on the ground notice her voice and sat up looking curiously at her.

'Kuroko? Why was a cute girl like her looking for someone with little to no presence like Kuroko?' All the members thought.

Teppei Kyoshi examined the girl but couldn't help but feel like he seen her somewhere, she kind of looked like Kuroko if he thought about it.

Riko looked around searching for the said boy, ready to yell out his name because she couldn't find him. Though before she could open her mouth, she suddenly felt a presence next to her and jumped.

"Yuki-chan," Kuroko smiled a bigger smile then when he ate the special sandwich the seniors made him buy.

Everyone gaped in disbelief, their eyes wide in shock after seeing Kuroko with the happiest expression they've seen from him.

'Kuroko's actually smiling,' Kagami Taiga thought, shocked at his partner's expression.

"Tet-chan!" The girl answered walking up to the pale blue haired boy.

Before anyone could mutter anything, Kuroko pulled the smaller girl into a hug which made everyone in the gym gasp.

'What the hell?!' They all thought.

SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko no basket fanfic)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now