Chapter 18 - The Devil's Hold

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"I thought I told you never to contact me unless it was an emergency?" Gabriel demanded, golden wings fully extended and filling the entire area behind him.

"It is an emergency," Ariel retorted, completely unfazed by her younger brother's defensive pose. "Our little, rebellious, fool of a brother has lost the half Winchester girl."


"They were attacked and she was taken while Castiel was surrounded," Ariel explained calmly.

"How long has she been gone?" Gabriel growled. He took a threatening step forward.

"Almost a week now," she admitted quietly.

"A week! Why am I only hearing of this now?"

"Because I thought I could Castiel and I would be enough to track her down and retrieve her," Ariel said defensively. "But she's hidden beyond even my reach. That is why I came to you, Gabriel, I need your help."

"I'm only going to help you for Beth's sake," Gabriel replied finally. "Do you know anything about her disappearance?"

"Only that Lucifer's minions were the ones who attacked Castiel and Beth," Ariel replied. "Gabriel, he has Nephilim working for him. What are we going to do? You and I both know how dangerous and out of control they are."

"We're not going to do anything," Gabriel told her firmly. Ariel sent him a flabbergasted look, her eyebrows drawn together. "Beth is meant to lead them for a reason, you know this. If we interfere, who knows what the consequences might be."

"But Gabriel—"

"But nothing, Ariel," Gabriel cut her off abruptly. Ariel's jaw snapped shut with an audible snap and she glared at her brother. "Go back to Castiel, tell him you have a lead on Beth and wait for my call."

Ariel nodded begrudgingly and bowed her head before she teleported away from the deserted parking lot, leaving her caramel haired brother behind.

"Sophie, slow down!" Beth called as she chased after her sort-of-cousin. The red head skidded to a sudden stop, almost causing Beth to crash into her before she managed to stop herself.

"Why? You know he'll get mad if we're late again," Sophie groaned, taking Beth's hand and tugging her along quickly.

"He can suck it up. It's not our fault we were helping the others out."

"Like he'll believe us," the younger female mumbled as they finally made it to the training field. "He doesn't like us at all."

"That's because we're bad influences on the others," Beth grinned smugly. Sophie shook her head in obvious amusement.

"You got that right," the red head agreed, returning Beth's smile. The two girls reached their destination a couple minutes later and slipped into their designated spot at the end of the front row on the left.

The other Nephilim sent them amused looks from the corner of their eyes and tried—and failed—to hold back their snickers. Their teacher spun around with a fierce glare on his face. The Nephilim fell silent immediately, bowing their heads with their hands clasped behind their backs.

"Milligan, Reynolds. Late again I see," Jonah stated, lips spreading into a thin line. "What's your excuse this time? A cat got stuck up a tree?"

"We were helping Father," Sophie replied loudly. Quiet, startled gasps filled the air at Sophie's words and Jonah's angry expression faltered immediately, being replaced with a look of bitter understanding.

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