Chapter 10 - Sympathy For The Devil

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'With the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide.'

- Demons, Imagine Dragons.


Beth slumped against Dean, a harsh ringing filled the air and overwhelmed her senses. The light continued to blind her, even after she had covered her eyes. Worry settled in her stomach as something warm and wet trickled from both of her ears.

"Shit, Beth!" Dean cursed as he reached out, pulling her to him after spotting the blood running from her ears. "Sam! Come on!"

Sam seemed to snap out of his trance and nodded quickly, taking hold of Beth's left elbow and helping Dean guide-more like carry-Beth towards the double doors, only to have them slam before they could get out. The two brothers dropped Beth's arms in favour of covering their ears as the ringing grew to an unbearable volume and Beth buried her head in between her jacket's collar and the door as she weakly covered her ears.

"Dean!" Beth called, her voice quickly drowned out by the loud ringing. It was like nails on a chalkboard to her ears. The moment Dean went to reply, the three of them were suddenly out of the convent and on an airplane full of people. "Holy shit," Beth gasped, gaining multiple glares from various women as they covered their children's ears-she completely ignored them.

"What the hell?" Dean demanded. He looked around wildly. He couldn't understand how they'd ended up on the plane when they had been inches away from being smote by Lucifer's grace.

"I don't know," Sam answered, just as surprise.

"Why aren't we dead?" Beth asked. There was an awful ringing in her head and ears, causing her to raise her voice.

"I don't know," Sam repeated. Dean reached out, grabbing a couple of napkins from the stewardess cart as she passed by. He pushed Beth's hair back and began mopping up the blood that was beginning to dry on the sides of her face. Sam took a napkin from his brother and began doing the same to Beth's other ear.

The sound of the pilot filled the air. "Folks, quick word from the flight deck, we're just passing over Ilchester then Ellicott City on our descent into Baltimore-Washington."

"Ilchester?" Dean questioned, glancing out of the window. "Weren't we just there?"

"So, if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time," the pilot continued. Sam and Beth shared a confused look as the pilot suddenly exclaimed, "Holy crap!" over the speaker... that was when a wide beam of burning white light shot into the air, completely surrounding the plane.

The plane suddenly lurched to the side and a stewardess was thrown against the wall roughly. The passengers all began screaming as the plane soared through the air, completely out of control. Beth scrambled to her feet and stumbled away from her brothers-ignoring them as they yelled at her to come back-and latched onto the blonde stewardess' arm, tugging her to her feet and onto the seats closest to them. Beth helped her with doing her belt up before she did her own up and grabbed the extended oxygen mask in front of her, putting it against her face and slipping the elastic band over her hair, letting it snap into place at the back of her head.

Her eyes were drawn to the window and she stared out of it at the light. Fear coiled in the pit of her stomach the longer she stared at it, her fingers tightened unconsciously around the arm rest as she forced herself to look away.


To say she was happy they were off the plane was an understatement-in fact, she made a quick promise to herself to never get on a plane ever again.

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