"No it didn't but anyway, You called?" I said trying to hint I wanted to be left alone to watch my show. She didn't get the hint, obviously.

"Rude! I'm guessing I interrupted your show, but this is important, what do you say we go to a party tonight. There's this new guy in town, his names J-"

I cut her off before she could continue.

"Do I have to go? Jersey doesn't finish till midnight, PLEASE." I said getting sad because I couldn't watch the whole thing. I knew one way or another, she always gets her way. I haven't been to a party since last week. But I felt something bad was gonna happen, and I didn't want to find out if it did.

"No, you're going, its gonna be fun. I promise. I'll pick you up at 6:30. Be ready. Bye Hoë." she hung up before I could respond. Well then.

I checked the time and sure enough it was 3:30pm. Damn time passes by fast.

I guess I'll finish the season then go get ready.

*Its 6:15pm*

(if you guys can't see what her outfit is for some odd reason, it's a black strapless dress with black pumps.)

I was heading downstairs when I heard a honk. Must be her, she's here early. I think it's because it always takes me like 4 hours to get ready. What? I'm kinda high maintenance.

I walked out the door and locked it. You're probably like, where's her dad or stuff like that. Well my dad goes to work at 7am so I rarely see him and comes back at around 11pm. I'm not really complaining but when your growing up like that, it really sucks cause I had no one to help me with my homework or to tell me right from wrong and stuff when I was like 15.

Then I started hanging with the wrong crowd, but it felt wrong so I thought, would my mom be proud? Truthfully, she wouldn't so I stopped hanging with them and that's when I met Bella.

She's been my best friend ever since. We party and stuff but we don't do drugs or anything that bad.

(*skipping the car ride lol.*)

I walked through the doors with Bella right beside me, she dragged me here and told me that it would be fun but so far all I've seen just from walking through the front door is guys and girls grinding, people smoking, doing drugs, drinking, anything along those lines, you name, their doing it. The smell of alcohol and smoke hit my nostrils like a brick.

"Bells, who's party is this?" I ask over the loud music. "I think it's some guy named Jake, no it starts with a 'j'. Oh yeah! Jason." Jason? There's no one in school named Jason. Must be new in town. I've got to meet him, maybe he's cute, not to sound slutty, it's just most guys at school aren't the handsomest, as they say.

"okay. Lets go dance!" I yelled to bells over the music. "Kay." We walked over to the dance floor and started dancing.

~30 mins. later~

"Bells, I gotta go peeeeee! Where's the bathroom?" She pointed to a hallway and said "I have no idea, try going over there."

"Kay." I walked towards the hallway with the feeling someone was following me.... Nah maybe I'm just going crazy, although I haven't drunk anything tonight..

I opened every door I saw, which were bedrooms with people making out inside. Gross.

Until I came across a bathroom, it was small with a bathtub, toilet, and sink. The walls were a light creme color with different kinds of patterns, the shower curtains were a white color but not a see through kind of white, just white. I closed the door, did my necessities and washed my hands.

I open the door but before I can even put a foot out, I am pushed back in by a guy I have never seen, but boy was he gorgeous. WAIT! WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING! No bad Nicole! I scolded myself in my head. he closed the door and pinned me against the wall.

Before he could say anything my bitchy attitude got the best of me, someday it's gonna get me killed...

"What do you want from me? I don't even know who you are." I asked getting annoyed that a guy I don't even know won't let me leave the bathroom. I was ready to scream, not that anyone would hear me over the loud music.

"Well sweetheart, you may not know me but I know you very well, I will tell you one thing, I'm Jason Mccan. And you are now my property." He said smirking. I chuckled nervously after he said that.

"Haha, funny joke almost got me." "It wasn't a joke babygirl, your mine now." He whispered in my ear before putting a cloth over my mouth and before I knew what was happening I knocked out.


Sorry if it's crappy, I do have a life.

Lots of love:)






Why Me? | Book I | Jason McCann |Where stories live. Discover now