Chapter 6

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*****AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yea so I don't know how long this chapter is but writing it and looking  over it it's pretty long but continue to read it. Enjoy<3 ;)

Chapter 6-

Kellins POV:

May 15, 2013

The bell for the last period rang and I picked up my bag and left the classroom. I walked down the hallway, still kind of confused as to where I was going. These hallways were confusing to walk around. I finally found myself exiting the main enterance doors and walking down the path to the parking lot that Vic asked me to meet him in. I walked over and saw him leaning on the hood of his car. He was doing something on his phone. I walked over and he looked up when he heard the sound of my presence. 

"Hey." he said waving and smilling.

"Hi." I said back. He got into the drivers seat and I walked around to get into the seat next to him. 

Just then I felt my pocket vibrate. It was a text from Kevin. I kind of didn't know how to use this phone but I managed to figure it out.

KEVIN: Where are you? Do you have a ride or do I have to pick you up?

KELLIN: I have a ride. 

I put my phone back in my pocket, "So..... where are we going?" I asked. I said yes to hanging out and I didn't even know where we were planning on going. 

"I think we are meeting the guys down by 'Tony's Pizza.' " he said. I just nodded in approval, having no idea what a Tony's Pizza was. Maybe it was some kind of food. Wow..... I have so much to learn here. He pulled out of the parking and drove out of the school property. I sat there looking out the window examining all the outrageous looking lifestyles people had. You know.... outrageous compared to mine. 

"So." Vic said breaking my train of thought. "Tell me about yourself. What was life like before you moved?" he asked still driving. We both knew it was kind of wierd for him to say but he's just trying to make conversation. He looked so hot right now. His long dark hair was flowing down beside his face to his shoulders and his gorgeous eyes we...... wait! I can't get these thoughts about him! What the fuck was am I thinking?! 

"Well it was kind of different from here." I said.

"Did you have to like leave all of your friends and stuff?" he asked.

"Um.... no, not really. I didn't really have a lot of friends growing up. And life was pretty dangerous. It was hard to live a normal life." I said kind of having the urge to cry. I held up the cry and waited for his response.

"Oh wow Kellin, I'm sorry to hear." he said. Considering he was the cause of it he has to do more then just apologize to me. The thoughts of anger and hatred boiled up inside me and I felt like I just wanted to kill him right there. But I knew I couldn't. Plus, he was the one driving and I have no idea how to actually drive so it's best that I don't do anything stupid right now.

"It's okay. But you can tell me about yourself, you know..... just to change the topic." I said.

He chuckled at the comment, "Well, um... I don't really know what there is to explain." He said. 

"Well is there anything you like to do?" I asked. Maybe he would take up the rest of our car ride talking and I wouldn't have to say anything.

"Well, me and my friends..... the ones that we sat with at lunch, we are in a band together." he said.

"Oh that's cool." I said.

"Yea well actually Justin isn't he's in another band but Tony is. He wasn't at lunch with us but I think he's meeting us at the pizza place. Mike is my brother, he plays drums..... Tony plays guitar, Jaime plays bass and I sing and play guitar." he said. I really didn't know what any of that was but I just pretended like I did.

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