Chapter One

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Hey! The first chapter of this book is going to be about what happened after the Maze and how everyone is.

The relationships are all different but they all will soon come together so bare with me haha.

Thanks for reading guys. Enjoy! 
Thomas' Pov
I was in my room rethinking everything.

The Maze..
The Scorch..

I was laying down on my bed under a big black blanket my head resting on a pillow. I had a big smile on my face.

We made it.. we survived.

some of us may have died, but at least a majority of us have survived.

I was laying in my bed and after a while all the thoughts in my head vanished as I slowly started to fall into a deep sleep forgetting my past life and starting a new beginning.

Third Persons POV

After all the traumatic experiences in the maze and the scorch, some gladers survived.

Newt, Thomas, Minho, FryPan, Brenda, Teresa, Chuck, Gally and George.

They all helped each other out and they all had gotten jobs.

Newt worked at a small little cafe with Gally.

FryPan opened up his own restaurant selling his famous stew as the main dish. It was a hit at the restaurant.

Both Brenda and Teresa opened their own nail salon and worked there together being the number 1 best nail salon in the little town they lived in.

Chuck was rather young, he did not have a job he was a freshmen at a nearby high school.

As for Thomas, George, And Minho, Minho was a lawyer and Thomas was fitness instructor. George had retired and he had stayed home cooking the meals for their small family.

They all bought a rather large house, it had 10 bedrooms with 5 bathrooms and it had 3 floors. The house had enough rooms for everyone to have their own and one was a guest room.

The house was large and the walls were painted white and the floor was a dark brown wood colour and the living room was large with a big L shaped couch with a large flat screen T.V. and the kitchen was huge with a marble counter.

— (timeskip)
Third Persons POV

It was around 6pm at the house and everyone was finally home from their jobs and everyone was freshening up.

Newt ran down the stairs after being the last one to shower as he got home the latest and he was in grey sweats and white socks along with a black t shirt the sleeves folded a bit.

"guys, I'm hungry" he said in his soft and sweet voice, his British accent always made people smile.

George chuckled softly "well newt, you did come home a bit late, but just in time because dinner is ready" he said and he smiled making everyone's plate.

"Could you help me set the table newt?" He asked looking at newt. George was kind of the father figure in the group.

"Uh.. no I can't I'm tired" he said and walked out of the kitchen bumping into Minho.

"Watch where you're going sh- oh newt! Sorry I- uh didn't mean to yell I thought you were someone else" Minho said and his face blushed a soft pink blush resting on his cheeks as he tired to remain calm. Minho always had a thing for newt since the maze, but he was always a big pussy and couldn't confess his love.

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