10. Awoken secrets

Start from the beginning

We started walking after the others when the noise of motorcycles went through the tunnels.
''Hide!'' Lin yelled and we all did as she said.

One Equalist flipped a switch on his motorcycle dash that in turn opened a secret door in the opposite wall of the tunnel. The two motorcycles raced inside and the door closed.

Lin made a face and crossed the tunnel, followed by us.
She ran her hand across the door and used metalbending to trigger the opening mechanism and forced the door up. The group rushed in and the door closed behind us.

We approached a large open space, where Equalists were loading supplies onto tram carts on tracks that lead into various tunnels. An Equalist with a clipboard was directing loading traffic.

''That tram goes to the training camp.'' One of the Equalists said, and the tramp went through the dark tunnels.
''Everything was delivered to the prison, sir.'' Another answered.

''That's where they must be keeping Korra.'' Tenzin whispered to all of us.
''We need to get down that tunnel.'' Lin whispered back.

Lin signaled the group with her hand and we ran toward the tram and jumped in. The tram started to move down the tunnel.
From inside the tunnel, Lin used her metalbending cables to grab the two Equalists and drag them inside.

''You two, keep an eye on them.'' Lin said to Bolin and Asami as she walked up the stairs in the part of the tunnel we were in. Lin used her seismic sense to search the prison.

''My officers are inside.''
''What about Korra?'' Mako asked. I'd never seen him like that. It was almost like he... No he was just worried.

We finally found some of Lin's men. But sadly their bending had been taking away from them. They looked like they've lost hope. That's all Amon did. Stole happiness from innocent benders.

I ran back to Mako and Tenzin.''I'll ask you one more time. Where is she?'' Mako was threatening a man with his fire.
''Hey, don't use your bending like that.'' I said, gathering some courage and helped the innocent man down the wall.
The man hit the ground. ''We don't have the Avatar, and the Equalists didn't attack City Hall. Tarrlok's lying.''
''What?'' Mako said, just as surprised as the rest of us.

Lin came back. ''I scanned the entire prison. Korra's not here.''
That means- ''Because he has Korra. He fooled us all!'' Tenzin said my thought out loud.
I never trusted that guy. Tarrlok. 


After escaping the dark tunnels, we all went all the way back to City Halls. 
I was running on fumes.
We met up with the council.

''Have you news of Avatar Korra?'' That bastard Tarrlok asked, still playing his little game.

''We do. You kidnapped her, Tarrlok!'' Tenzin said angrily.
''I am shocked you would accuse me of such an evil act! I already explained: Equalists attacked us and took her!'' He tried, but nobody believed him.

''But there were no chi blockers here last night. You planted the evidence, didn't you?'' Tenzin accused him.

''That is a ridiculous accusation!''

''It's true! He took her!'' We all looked up at the balcony, where his assistent was standing.
''I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night, but Councilman Tarrlok ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw Tarrlok bring her down to the garage.''
''That is nonsense! Everyone knows you're nothing but a squeaky-voiced liar!''
He had already lost.

''Why did you wait until now to 'fess up?'' Lin asked the assistant.
''I was terrified to tell because ...Because Tarrlok is a bloodbender! He bloodbent Avatar Korra!''
We all looked at him in shock. My grandma had told me all about the skill of blood bending, and how she discovered it. She had always said how it was on of her biggest fear and regrets. 

''Don't make this worse for yourself. Tell us where you have Korra.'' We were all ready to take Tarrlok down.

Tarrlok's eyes went crazy, before he started moving his arms in a strange way. He blood bended all of the others down to the floor. I looked around at them, then at the crazy man standing in front of me.
''What?! why are you still standing?'' He asked, just as confused as I.
''I don't know, but you're not gonna get out of here.'' I said before running after him, gathering my last power.

He was so fast, and used his waterbending to block me. I yelled his name, but my chance went by. ''Dang it.'' I said as I walked back to the resting bodies. If I had just been stronger that day. I knew I could've beat him. 

''Wake up.'' I said as I helped my friends.
''Ughh! Man! I had this awful dream that Korra was taken by this evil bloodbender. So weird.'' Mako, Asami and I all looked at him with strange looks.
Asami broke the news. ''Bolin, that really happened. He knocked us out.''
''Are you serious? Where is he? Is he here right now?'' He said shocked looking around.

''He's gone, he escaped.'' I explained, feeling guilty and they looked at me.
''He blood bended all of you, and ran away. I tried to capture him but-'' Asami interrupted me.

''He didn't blood bend you? why?'' She asked, and I was just as confused as her.
Tenzin looked at me with a knowing look, and I was just about to ask him if he knew anything when Lin spoke. ''We've only been out for a little while. Maybe we can still pick up Tarrlok's trail.''

''It could lead us to Korra! Let's go.'' Tenzin said and we all left.


We were flying around town, looking for her, when we heard a polar bear dog howl.
''Naga!'' I said happily and got up.
''Yeah! That does sound like Naga!'' Mako said, and we flew down to where the noise came from.

She was there, laying on Naga's back. I was so happy to see her.
Tenzin and Lin started giving her questions but Mako interrupted them.
He carried her away and made sure she was safe.

''Still so sure about that month?'' I asked Bolin.
''Well, it's been 3 weeks since that bet.'' He said with a smirk. I laughed but when i saw Asami's expression I stopped instantly.
Poor Asami... But Korra's health was more important right now.


We got Korra home in safety.
The others were sleeping but I just couldn't.

I walked inside her room, and sat down besides her, on the bed.
''Hey, nice to see you're up.'' She said half smiling.
''Nice to see you're alive.'' I said and she chuckled.

''The next time I have a near dead experience, don't be gone when I wake up.'' I said and she smiled.
''Easy, just don't have any more near dead experiences.'' She said, and made me smile.
I had missed her so much.

''I'll try.''


Hello everybody! Ennama here :)

I saw all of you nice and funny comments, and they really made me laugh.
So thank you for liking what I write!
And keep being awesome!

- Ennama

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