9. Stuck in reverse

Start from the beginning

I turned around and looked out at the water. ''Don't listen to them Naomi, they don't even know you.'' Korra placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her, and we both smiled.

''Let me see that wave again.'' I said with a cheering voice and a big smile.


3. Pov

''She looks like she's sleeping.'' A sad Jinora stated honestly.
''Yeah. Just like a princess waiting to be kissed by her prince.'' Ikki said with a little smile.

''Hey kids. Time for dinner.'' Pema said, as she opened the door. ''Okay'' they both said and walked out of there quietly.

''She's in here if you wanna see her.'' Pema said, and the two brothers walked in.
As soon as they were in there they looked down at her.

''She looks....'' Bolin started.
''I know.'' Mako said.

''If we had found her earlier, she would be up, smiling and laughing as always.'' Bolin said with a sad expression on his face. Mako placed a hand on his brothers shoulder. ''She'll be okay.'' He said and hoped it was the truth.

They both looked one last time at her before they left and the healer started working again.


''How about we go to my house and get my dad to cook for us?'' I said in the happiest way possible, just thinking about my dads delicious food.
''I can't. I need to train.'' Korra said coldly.

''Oh, again?'' I asked quietly with a sigh.
''Yeah I need to get done with my firebending training. But we'll see each other soon'' She left me again, and walked back to her training.

''Okay.'' I sighed and started walking back to my house.
She was always so busy.
We've been friends since we were 4, and nobody could ever tear us apart.
Would our friendship already end at 11?

I was walking through the tribe when I bumped into someone. I landed hard in the snow.
''If it isn't the lame non-bender.'' One of the waterbender kids said. I looked up only to get faced by snow.
The kids kept  throwing snow at me, pushing me down to the cold ground, and I had already given up fighting.

After some time it stopped, and as I was getting up from the ground I heard a familiar voice.
''What are you doing Naomi?'' I looked up at the tall man Tonraq.
''Just playing in the snow.'' I said with a laugh.
He smiled. ''Let me walk you home before you catch a cold.'' He said and took my hand.
He was like an uncle to me.

''You gotta stay strong if you wanna beat those bad benders.'' We both laughed when he used a silly voice.
''But how Tonraq? There is no way a non-bender like me can fight amazing benders like them.'' He stopped up and got down to my level of height.

''You just need to fight them with everything you've got. Show them who's the boss. And if that fails. Ask your father, he's got some tricks up his sleve.'' I smiled and he walked me home.

''I'm home!'' I yelled through the house.
''Oh, hey Nao.'' My mom said giving me a kiss on my forehead.

''How was your day?'' My dad asked me as he walked in with the usual calming smile on his lips.
''I talked with Korra, but she was too busy to do anything as always.'' I said with a little smile.
''But then I met Tonraq and he cheered me up!'' I said happily and sat down in one of the kitchen chairs.

''Oh, tell us about it.'' My dad sat down besides me, as my mom continued cooking.
I told him everything that had happened and he listened like he always would.

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