Sweets (Taehyung)

49 4 2

Taehyung-Your Boyfriend.
Hoseok-Your Brother

I've been waiting for Taehyung at the mall for an hour!

H-has he ditch m-me?I put my hwad down feeling sad hiding my tears falling and walked home.

"Hey Youre home earl-WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!"My brother hoseok asked me in a shocked expression "I-i think
t-t-taehyung..ditched me...i waited there for an hour..!OPPA!"I ran into his arms crying my eyes out.

I know taehyung would never do that but why do it when its on valentines day...

"I'm going to kill him for doing this to you."Hoseok growled **ding ding** "oh i got a text message."i said taking out my phone reading the text

Jae's Phone

Taehyungie:Hey sorry babe i cant make it today im so sorry babe.

JaeJae:That would be helpful 1 hour 20 mins ago!Ugh.

Taehyungie:Im sorry!I was alittle.too busy today!What was I supposed to do?!

JaeJae:Tell me 1 hour 20 mins ago you dimwit!

Taehyungie:I said im sorry!



I plop onto my bed and screamed in anger.

Next dayyyyy

I was mad at Taehyung yesterday for ditching me and not telling me until i got home.

I went to my mailbox and opened my mailbox.

I saw something that left me in shock.

Candies fell out of my mailbox.

"What thw fuc--"someone cut me of "What the hell is this?!Jae!did you order a ton if cady again?!"Hoseok shouted.

"I swear i did not."I slowly picked up the candy and putting it in a paper bag that fell out with it.

I went into my bedroom with the candy and opened it.Every candy said 'im so sorry Jae' in different languages but the last one says

'I love you so much Jae Love;Taehyung'

My mouth dropped open I quickly grabbed my phone and texted taehyung

Jae's Phone

JaeJae:tae did you do this?
JaeJae:**send picture**

Taehyungie:yea i knew how much you loved candy and wanted ro do somthing sweet for you since I didnt yell you that i was busy the day before.

JaeJae:Aww tae~I love you!

Taehyungie:I love you too

I put my phone down and smiled to myself he's the best.





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