Chapter 5

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We're arrived in London around 4am I feel asleep half way so I'm not sure what the exact time was. Louis tuned into this drive way that had two large metal bars across it so no one could get through he leaned out the window said something to voice thing and the gates opened. As we drive through I looked around this place was massive all around us were flowers of different types and colours I looked around in Awh until Louis parked right at the front of a grand house. A figure ran down the marble steps and towards the car.

"Mr Tomlinson glad u made it" the figure spoke his voice soft "thanks Jeff I want to see Zayn now" Louis's voice was angry and disturbed, "of course sir" Jeff said as he opened the door for him. Louis just got out and disappeared into the house and left me there wondering were the fuck we are "um miss would u like me to show u around" Jeff asked me I just nodded and got out the car following Jeff as he hobbled into the house.

Louis P.O.V
I ran up the steps towards zayn's room I was so mad at him that before I knocked I had to take a few deep breathes. I knocked hard and didn't bother waiting for an answer I just walked in Zayn was just standing at the window and looking out at the courtyard "I was expecting you Louis" Zayn spoke not looking up from the window "yeah well maybe you can explain why i got interrupted at the party!!" I yelled at him, he just smiled "My man needed you to bring her..and you did" he was referring to Skye "why do U want her?" I asked still not sure.

Zayn just smiled again. I Walked up to him and followed his gaze he was looking at Skye...three men have grabbed Skye and she was trying to fight back I looked at Zayn with my eyes wide "WTF ARE U DOING WITH HER" I screamed I couldn't let this happen to Skye...she was my blood mate my love

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