Chapter 3

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Louis P.O.V
Soooo new school yay...not this school is just like the other ones I've been too there's the populars, nerds and The badass chicks and as usual I'm in the popular group. Anyway this Eleanor chick is pretty fit (means hot) I'll probably end up fucking her tonight and her friends ain't to bad looking either. "So Louis were u from" Harry spoke with Taylor in his lap "well mate I've lived here my whole life but yeah I got kicked out of all my other schools" I replied playing with my lip piercing. I can still taste the blood on my lips which is pretty bad if anyone finds out my secret then I'm stuffed..ha not really ill just suck their blood too "soo I'm having this party tonight..wanna come?" Eleanor winked at me she seems like she's the leader of the group...I nodded and just ate my sandwich which tasted like shit but I've got to fit in here....


I found out that Eleanor's house is right down the road of mine so it was pretty easy to find. Plus you can hear the music from about two streets away I walked up the drive way there were already teenagers sucking face while holding red plastic cups with God knows what kinda liquor was in there, maybe I should grab a drink too late she's steady spotted me.

"Louis!!!" Eleanor yelled running to me making her boobs shake, she was wearing a tight pink dress that kinda suited her and her hair was down and had some kind of glitter in it. "Hey" I replied she was already sorta grinding on me "I'm sooooo glad u made it" she slurred Great she's already drunk this will make it easier "wanna go to a room?" I asked she nodded excited and I took her arm and took her to an empty room.

Skye P.O.V
Sitting in Mr Os office is the worst I could be sitting with my friend- yep just friend since Dani left its just Cassie and I now "Miss Moore, I'll ask u again what caused you to damage school property" Mr O sighed I could tell he was getting annoyed now we've been here for and hour and yet I haven't said anything and I don't plan too either.

He sighed again his sighs are loud and hot if he keeps this up he must faint- hopefully "I've got things to do Skye..." He trailed off what and i don't?? What u think I like it here sitting in this uncomfortable  chair and smelling your stinking breath!! Luckily one of the office whales- I mean ladies walked in.
Mr Osborn, Mr Chappel is on the phone..ha! Mr Chappel is the guy who owns the school lol Mr O is in trouble
"Skye you are now dismissed and thank you Wendy" his speech was trembling it was kinda funny seeing him like this.
I got up and left the school to my car I've only got two periods left of school so I might as well leave not like Cassie is going to notice she's going to be staring at Niall the whole time anyways.

Scrolling through Facebook Eleanor posted that she's having a party tonight okay so I may hate the girl but man she can throw a party. I looked at the time 9:00pm alright so mums gone to work so I've got the house to my self, might as well go to this party now....

HEY! Like and comment please!! If you wanna date one of the boys (Louis is taken) please comment who and your name and ill add you!  Xoxoxo

One big secret (Louis Tomlinson) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang