Chapter 6

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Percy's POV:

I kinda lied... I did have a plan. It wasn;t exactly the best plan, since it involved me heading back to Camp Half-Blood, which could be crawling with Gaea spies. After what happened with Luke, I can't help but second glance some of my comrades sometimes. I know it's not exactly fair to judge them for something they had nothing to do with, but its become almost second nature to me. 

The more I sit here, staring at this wall, the more I'm convincing myself this plan has to be the stupidest thing in the world. Literally. For one, Khione would most likely never let me out of this castle if I told her my plan and two, there's a high chance of me dying. Then again, when isn't there a high chance of me dying? The wall seemed to stare back at me, almost tauntingly, like it knew something I didn't. I shook my head at myself, maybe it wasn't the plan that was crazy, but me.

 My thoughts were startled when Khione entered my room, carrying two cups of steaming hot chocolate. "Hey Gold, have you been trying out any of those moves I showed you yesterday?" She questioned, a smile gracing her face as she gave me the hot mug. The bed dipped as she sat next to me, her icy eyes staring at me. "Um Gold, are you there?"

"Yeah sorry... I zoned out for a second," I stated, looking down at my hot cocoa. "I was practicing making frost for a bit actually," I lied, not glancing up from the mug.

If Khione noticed my lack of eye contact she didn't show it. Instead, she began to tell me about the crazy guard situation that happened today, crazily gesturing as she did so. I barely paid attention, though, it was as if my mind couldn't process anything else but the crazy plan that kept replaying in my head.

 The crazy, stupid, deadly plan that I had somehow concocted in my mind. 

So instead, I nodded along with her story as my plan developed more in my mind with each second that flew by. At the end of Khione's story (which was actually quite interesting once I started to somewhat listen), I had almost finished my terrible plan. 

"Can you believe that though? Honestly, how do you even get your foot stuck in the sink with the dog statue practically dripping in the background! This is why I need to make sure they get trained better," Khione ranted, leaning back onto the bed with a sigh. "Who knew that working in the kitchen can be that hectic." I let out a laugh at her statement, causing her lips to curve upwards. 

"Believe me, the kitchen life can be that hectic. Back at camp, they made us clean dishes with the harpies practically breathing down your back and with water as hot as lava. Actually, I'm pretty sure it was lava," I told her, shuddering slightly at the thought of those harpies. 

"Harpies? I thought that camp was supposed to be fun?" Khione asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"It is, when you're not being electrocuted or stabbed with weapons or on some deadly quest," I answered with a shrug, causing Khione's jaw to drop.

"Stabbed?! I knew the life of a demigod was tough from your stories, but even at your camp?" Khione spluttered, her eyes wide. I just laughed at her response, shaking my head slightly. "You know what? I'm just going to go before you tell me more things about this crazy camp." She stood up and started walking over to the door before turning around. "How did you even survive," She stated sarcastically, before shutting the door.

I allowed a smile onto my face before letting out a deep sigh. 

How was I going to pull off this plan?


Trying to escape a castle at 2 o'clock in the morning is not the smartest idea. Especially when there are at least ten guards in every hall you walk through. However, I was never exactly the brightest light bulb, which is why I'm currently trying to mist travel through this maze of a home. Of course, this would be quite easy if I wasn't as stealthy as a herd of elephants and I wasn't carrying a duffle bag the size of a small child. But hey, not everything in life is easy, right? 

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