Detonating Hearts

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               Striking last place in the entrance exams made your day,and you couldn't help but feeling like the world was crushing your dreams. And Izukus heart shattered to over 9000 pieces thinking of how you had thrown everything you had down the drain.
               Bakugou stared at the last place contestant,and his fists only clenched in anger,you were sulking and looked down at the ground. Bakugou's head lowered towards the ground but his eye contact remained on you as he huffed and puffed. How come you made last? You picked up a boulder with one arm! And threw someone in the air with unbelievable strength! How was it that you of all people made last!?
              Afterwards,your stone eyed teacher had cleared up that everything threatened was a fib,and you nearly fainted at the thought of how you almost got expelled! Izuku hugged you and patted your back in relief. You went to Bakugou for an embrace but he quickly pushed you away,staring deeply into your confused,hurt,mournful eyes. And with that he grabbed your arm, unnoticed by the crowd as you were pulled away to a place nobody commonly would go,you were slammed into the wall again.
"What the hell was that!? How were you in last place!?" He raised you higher against the wall,"it was a damn lie—wasn't it? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! I feel like you're whole life is a lie! You're useless just like the rest of them!" He threw you on the concrete and you toppled over wanting to cry.
             You couldn't even stand up anymore,but that didn't give you a reason to stay quiet. He about blew up your heart to many times.
"Kachan,"you weakly said,"I've tried my best to stay by your side,and all you do is treat me like I'm a pebble from the bottom of the ocean,"you used the wall as support to stand up,"I don't ever want to talk to you again,because I'm tired on trying with the one person that truly makes me happy." You slowly ran away with the back of your hand over your leaky eyes. You fell onto the clearing of visible sight of everyone. You're bruised leg tore you down like a kid tearing up wrapping paper.
"(Yn)!" Izuku ran to your side along with Momoko. Momoko wrapped your arm around her frail body and walked you to the nurses office,meanwhile Izuku stared Katsuki down from intense rage in the air,this was the last time he hurt you.
"If you even touch her,"Izuku pointed to him,"I'll never forgive you,nor will I have any kindness towards you whatsoever!"
              Katsuki arched his lip in guilt and anger,he didn't care about anyone but himself anymore,and that's how it's always been.
"And,"Izuku added,"I'll take her from you,then you'll see how much she's truly worth."

               Everybody was finally revealing their heroic outfits that had been created. And you hid behind Momoko. Yours was embarrassing to the core.
Wearing black flats that traveled up to your knees,your long black stockings rapped your curves adding volume to your appearance. Your (fc) suit fitted your figure and you wore tight white gloves. Your hair was up in a ponytail with a compatible color. Your mask was also black,but at the corners of your eyes the mask curled majestically. Your suit was leather,so your body shine like a star,and to be honest you felt like a celebrity from all the jaws on the ground.
"Hey hey hey! What a hottie! I'd hit that!" An anonymous stranger whispered.
Bakugou shot a glance at the male with a bloody stare.
"We will be choosing our contestants for heroes vs villians!"All Might said in his heroic like voice.
                As he drew the selectives,your palms were sweating up a storm. You kept your distance from Bakugou and were beside Izuku and Momoko because it was too hurtful to be by him. The one you loved.
"Izuku and—Bakugou! You two will be the villains of this case!" This was the most opposite pair to find out there,and boom. Here it was. This partnership was so asinine,it wouldn't be different from putting a cat and mouse in a cage.
"And for our heroines of the scenario—we have (Yn) and Uraraka! Interestingly we have gender against gender here!"
                You slowly looked at Bakugou in despair,and he did the same but with a puzzled expression. For the moment you both were in your own atmosphere,but that was soon cut off as he caught his fist in anger arching his lip. Taken back by the gesture you felt like faking a sickness to get out of this.
"It's ok," Uraraka whispered,"we got this!" Her hand was on your shoulder,you felt loved after all this time with her. And Izuku was being the sweetest he could be.
               Your objective was to touch the rocket,and you and Momoko were peaking out of every corner. You tiptoed each step you had,and made sure it was lighter than a feather.
"What's the point of hiding."someone said from behind. With a rush of an explosion. Luckily you had saved Uraraka from getting injured,but he scorched your arm. You panted standing up telling her to run,you knew he wasn't after her.
"So your lies follow you here?"
You bit your cheek in heartbreak and seriously glared him in the eye,"I'm not a lie."
"Prove it,here—and now." He ran at you with a right swing. And surprisingly you caught it. You knew he always swung his right first. And with that you threw him down to the ground. He lied in utter shock. He was pissed at how you threw him so easily,like you were in UnderTale or something,so he jumped back up only to find that you ran away. He ran around the whole maze to find you,he was going to make you use your quirk.
               You panted about to shed tears,"why him. Why him?"
The whole crew was watching behind the monitor in shock,and All Might knew he must use words of encouragement,"(Yn),try your hardest and you'll pull through,I know you can!" You wiped the corners of your eyes,standing up,you were making your way through the maze cautiously.
"You think you can hide all your life,(Yn)?" He blew another explosion and you barely dodged it in time,you ran and ran until you were out of breath,he caught up lighting up the grenades on his arms aiming before taking a shot.
"Bakugou stop this now!" All Might shouted through his mic.
"If I miss she doesn't die!!!" He shot,and luckily missed,but you just about lost hearing. Your suit was ripped revealing partial parts of your body.
He blew the window behind you into smithereens,and you didn't want to fight him anymore.
"Bakugou use that attack again and your disqualified!" All Might shouted gripping his mic tightly.
Bakugou arched his lip in annoyance about ready to kill the instructor,but now he was so pissed he could melt an entire frozen lake with a single touch. Screw Elsa,the cold never bothered him anyway.
"Fine,hand to hand combat!" He dashed at you ready to beat the sense out of you.
             You blocked his first attack,then he jumped behind you blowing his quirk on your back.
You yelped in pain. He wasn't going easy on you.
Soon as he was about to punch you again,you talked to Uraraka,"are you ready?"
"Yes,let's do it!"
You punched a pillar causing it to fly in the air,and you had got a face full of pain from Bakugou's quirk. And your eyes were staring him down in desperately.
"You were planning that the whole time! You little winch!"He stomped your way,"you were underestimating me!"
"I wasn't." You said as he came to a halt,"you're an amazing person,and frankly,I'd have to think twice if I were to underestimate you. But,the reason I couldn't use my quirk,was because my body couldn't handle the impact,and to be honest,I'm pretty jealous of you,Kachan." You weakly smiled,"you can use yours without worrying of being blown to bits!"
His eyes,for the first time,had sympathy. He watched at how frail you were,you could barely afford to walk.
"Kachan,"you said taking off you mic," I love you." You whispered.
"That's it!" All Might said,"Heroes are victorious!"

He almost cried,for the first time in his life.

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