Chapter 1 - Locked in a cell

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Chapter 1 - Locked in a Cell

Warning - mild explicit language is used here

Present day...

Marissa's arms were hurting. They were tied with thick twisting ropes above her head and every time she tried to loosen them, all they wanted to do was get tighter. She was really angry and getting sick and tired of pulling at them because her arms were completely numb and she was going to need them if she was going to fight her way out of here.

How long has it been?

Sighing she leant back against the wooden wall of the room she was in and looked to Randy. He was in his wolf form. They'd placed a silver chain around his legs that stopped him from moving as well as changing form, weakening him.

He looked like a trussed up turkey.

"Don't worry. I don't blame you," she told him, looking right into his amber eyes; "I blame those morons who locked us in here!" She shouted the last part towards the door she’d been forced through, knowing that her captors would hear her and the insults would make her feel marginally better.

Randy growled his agreement, adding to the anger she felt on his behalf.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you!" She kept shouting at them through the door, even though it wouldn't do any good.

The door swung back. A figure stepped through and shut it behind him.

He stood tall, taller than Marissa's impressive 5"11' height. Wearing sweatpants and a white shirt, he looked wild with his dishevelled black hair. His eyes were a deep green like the forest Marissa had barely managed to glimpse through the door as it shut with a resounding thump behind him. He looked quite cute, with his hair wild and his devilish smirk revealing a dimple on one cheek.

Marissa shook out of the thought. Now was not the time to be thinking of her captor as cute.

Hellooooo Stockholm syndrome. You got here pretty quickly.

She looked back at him. Right now, he was looking her over. Judging her. That enflamed her anger.

"Are you mad or something? You can't treat us like this! We have rights!" Marissa yelled at him, gaining her courage ever so slightly with every word. He may have looked bigger than her, but she would not let him get the better of her. There was no way she would not get out of this situation and pay them back for the pain they have put her through.

Even if she was tied up in the middle of a forest...near a town where nobody knew who she was...or where she had gone to....Her thoughts sputtered to a dead end as her situation clarified. She hadn’t told anyone that she had gone back home or where she’d gone afterwards. When people realised that she and Randy were no longer on that stupid ski trip, they’d assume everything from them being eaten by bears or falling down a mountain.

She should have felt hopeless in the face of her situation. She only got angrier and took it out on the man standing before her with hate-filled looks.

"We will give you one chance to tell us where the dragon orb is or you won't be seeing the next sunrise." His lilting voice was as dark as the threat and Marissa had to ignore the feeling it uncoiled in her stomach.

"What bloody orb?" she screamed back with false bravado.

The man looked at her with anger, "Wrong answer girlie." He spun towards the door.

Her mind sputtered for a moment. She shrieked in outrage, "Did you just call me girlie?!"

She did not like being insulted. Even Randy tried to shuffle away slightly from her anger. Her fits of anger were legendary back home. The rage was uncontrolled, furious and terrifying to watch. People that knew her ran for the hillside when they saw the anger bubbling in her eyes, about to spill forth and burn everything within range; there were less casualties that way.

"Turn back and face me, coward! Torturing someone you've never met, kidnapping and tying them up in inhumane ways then trying to interrogate them. You’re so delusional you can't even tell that we're telling the truth! Get back here so I can beat the living crap out of you!" The string of insults poured from her mouth and made the man turn back to her as she fought harder and stronger against the ropes. Marissa was seeing red now, her anger taking complete control over her.

Suddenly the man was standing before her, heat radiating off his body and burning her nerve endings. His face was pressed so close to Marissa’s that all she could see were his eyes, the light from the only light bulb in the room framing them in a soft light, making them glow an electric green. His anger was just as evident as hers in the defined line of his jaw, just much more controlled than her furious screams and insults. "Calm down, woman!"

"I have a name you idiot. Now get back and let me go!"


The word made her stop struggling. "Why not?"

"You stole from my pack and you’re spying for Regan. That I will not tolerate."

Leashing back the red tides in her mind, despite how badly her anger wanted to take her over, Marissa tried to keep still and ask her question,  "Who on this green earth is Regan? And what the hell do you mean we 'stole from your pack'?"

The man's head cocked to the side, his eyes not giving away anything that he was feeling but his jaw was still clenched. "Are you lying?"

Marissa gave him a droll look as she rolled her eyes at his stupid question. "Why would I lie? If you smelt it, then Randy and I would be torn to shreds within seconds.”

The man stepped back, his brows creasing slightly in amusement, "Shifters can’t smell lies.”

Marissa stood still before looking to Randy whose eyes were laughing, despite the dangerous situation they were stuck in. "Randy you lying dog! How on Earth did you make me believe that ridiculous lie?"

The man had a small smirk on his face when Marissa looked back at him. "Okay, you can't tell exactly if I'm lying but again, why would I? I told you under the pretence that you could sniff me out."

The man looked at her before nodding, "You will tell me everything."

Marissa looked at him, and thought. He was willing to listen to what she knew. But what if there was something she was missing and he decided to fill in gaps? "I'll tell you from wherever you want to start. But I have a few conditions first."

The man smirked, "I don't have to agree."

Marissa rolled her eyes at his exquisite accent, and felt heat rise to her cheeks at her wayward thoughts, as she said, "Well gee, I couldn't figure that out on my own, could I?" His smirk deepened at her sarcasm and she had to fight the blush back from completely exposing her. "Look, I just want the ropes loosened on us both. If you haven't noticed it yet, my arms have lost all three shades of my skin colour and currently are the closest living colour to Casper."

The man laughed slightly as he actually loosened her arms enough that she could bend them and shake out the pins and needles, but they were still tied above her head. When he only stepped back and ignored Randy, she gave him a pointed look. He just shrugged his shoulders and stood awaiting her to start her story.

"Aren't you going to help Randy?" she asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. Marissa let out a sigh and gave Randy a sorrowful look.

"Where do you want me to start?" She asked as she turned back to him.

The man looked at her, "Start from the beginning."

She took a deep breath and began, "I guess it started when that bear bit Randy on the ass..." 

A/N: This is my darling and I hope you enjoyed it. Read on for the hilarious tale of how they got this far and let me know if I should enter for the Wattpad Prize. This cover was also created by the amazing @lance5285 who has now also sadly deleted his account :(

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