Johnson's Accident

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Clare pulled the truck into Taylor's driveway and cut off the engine.

"You lead the way. I haven't been here in forever!" Clare laughed, but I heard some fear etched in to her melodic voice.

"Yeah, sure!" I hopped out of the truck, Clare close behind. Taylor's ranch spread out before us, an expanse of green grass, cattle, and grazing horses. Palominos, bays, blacks, and other colors adorned the pastures, running back and forth, or grazing calmly by the fence. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the main ranch house. A few horses looked at us as we passed, but most of them continued grazing or playing. Clare made no move to start a conversation, so I left the silence. We continued up the paved drive, moving past the front door. I walked to the kitchen door, grabbing a key to the house from my wristlet. After inserting the key, I turned the door knob and led Clare into the very updated kitchen. Clare turned in circles as I weaved my way through the massive room. I laughed at Clare's amazement and continued through Taylor's ranch mansion. Exiting the kitchen, I found Taylor's older brother Nick sitting in the office.

"Meep!" Clare made a chirping noise and hid behind me, which didn't do her much good. Nick looked up from his laptop and smiled. He was tall, strong, and very smart. He was a soft more in college, getting ready to take his end of year tests.

"Hey Nick! Working hard, or, hardly working?" Nick laughed as he ran his hand through his perfectly manicured dirty blonde hair. While Taylor was almost a platinum blonde, Nick was a very dark blonde, a gene inherited from his mother.

"However you choose to put it, I guess." Nick stood up and enveloped me in a bear hug, which usually meant he was about to wrestle me. I ducked his arms, sending him sprawling behind me. He stopped next to Clare, who was standing stiff and straight as a board. "Alright then, I guess no wrestling today Mia." Nick propped his arm on Clare's shoulder, like she had done to me at the barn. "And who might this pretty lady be, hmm?" Nick quirked his brow, giving Clare a devilishly handsome grin.

"It's Clare you idiot! It's been one year, and you really don't recognize her?" Nick's mouth fell open in shock. Clare started blushing and let her hair fall over her face.

"Clare!" Nick pushed her dark hair behind her ears and grabbed the slender waist. He lifted Clare and twirled her in a circle before setting her down and hugging her. Clare hugged him back, and I could see that they had truly missed each other. Before Clare had left for Florida, she and Nick had become close friends. When Clare had to leave, Nick was heartbroken. He moped about for weeks, refusing to do anything but eat. Even during the school year, Nick had been miserable. He went to parties (as a virgin), met several girls, got their numbers, but nothing seemed to cheer him up. I could see that Clare had been pretty much the same. I smiled, leaving the two to catch up. I walked out of Nick's office and into the living room. Mrs. Allan, Taylor and Nick's mother sat on the sofa, arms and legs crossed. A cup of tea sat still on the coffee table, as if it hadn't been touched. A small, wailing child sat in the floor, screaming incredibly loud. I would've noticed the screaming earlier, but, the Allan's lived in a sound proof mansion.

"Delilah!" I yelled the young child's name, and she sat up, curious. "What is all the fuss about? Are you causing my second mother trouble?" The screaming had stopped fully, and Delilah meekly nodded. "Now, why exactly are you doing that? Hmm?"

"Because I wanted to have ice cream for dinner." The answer was so simple and innocent, I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I can see why, ice cream is certainly delicious, but you need real food. Not just desert." Delilah giggled and came to give me a hug. Mrs. Allan stood up as well, a tired but thankful look spread across her face. I bent down to Delilah. "Have you gotten any more stickers for that book I gave you?" Delilah loved to collect stickers, so, for her last birthday, I'd given her a horse sticker book. The angelic looking child nodded and began running through the ranch house, eager to find the book.

"Mia! It's so good to see you!" Mrs. Allan embraced me, a welcome gesture. I returned her kindness before sitting on the sofa. Mrs. Allan joined me, picking up her much needed tea. Just then, Clare and Nick walked in from the office, Nick looking happier than I'd seen him in a long while. Clare was smiling like the girl I knew from so long ago, and her eyes shone with a special twinkle. Mrs. Allan immediately recognized the change in her son and came to the conclusion that this was Clare. "Clare!!!" Mrs. Allan rushed up from the couch and almost squeezed the life out of my friend. Clare smiled and laughed, I could see she enjoyed the hug.

"It's good to see you, Mrs. Allan. I'm glad to be home." Clare pulled me off of the couch and onto the hardwood, looking ready to go talk. She leaned close and whispered into my ear,"I invited Nick, he needs to know this." I nodded when Clare pulled back, a small amount of fear painted across her expression. She sighed, a soft, quiet sound, something very few could actually hear.

"Mrs. Allan, we would love to stay and talk, but, Clare, Nick and I have something we need to talk about. Do you know where the keys to the Lounge are?" The Lounge was an actual building, so we left the keys with Mr. and Mrs. Allan.

"Of course, I'll go get them for you." Mrs. Allan exited the living room and walked into her personal office, which was right off the living room. Nick's office however, was through the foyer, putting it at the other end of the main portion of the house. Mrs. Allan returned, a keychain dangling from her fingers. She handed them to me before giving Clare a long hug. When the hug ended, Clare, Nick, and I left the ranch house and started walking towards the garage. Nick used a remote to open the door, revealing three cars, a truck, and two John Deere gators. He suddenly hoisted Clare up on his shoulder and started carrying her to one of the Gators.

"Mia!!! Help!!" Clare shrieked and laughed as Nick continued on the path to the garage, gripping Clare tighter.

"No! You deserve this!" I laughed along with her and ran to catch up. I grabbed the Gator keys from Nick and hopped in. After starting the Gator, I backed out and circled so that the Gator was facing the right way. Nick came up and put Clare down in the bed of the Gator. He hopped in after her and told me to go. I pushed the pedal with my foot and started driving the Gator across the Allan Ranch. Clare and Nick were laughing as I drove across the ranch, hitting potholes and turns at a decently fast speed. We finally entered a more wooded area, and I pulled to a stop outside of an old log cabin.

"Well, I guess we better go inside. You got the keys Mia?" Nick was now helping Clare out of the Gator, both of them looking nervous.

"Yeah, let's go." I bounded up the short flight of stairs and inserted the key. The lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing the dark interior. Clare and Nick had joined me outside the door,waiting for me to walk in. Flipping on the lights, I made my way to the first sofa and cleared the dust. Nick claimed the armchair and Clare sat next to me. "Clare, are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess. I know Mia saw Johnson, and the scar on his hip. Well, that scar is from a bullet."

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