Home Again

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" Mia!! Wait up!" I turn around to see my best friend Taylor trying to catch up without running. She absolutely hates going against school rules, even if some are no big deal.

" Hey Taylor. You know, I wasn't that far ahead of you." Taylor is panting from her "strenuous" walk.

" Shut up." Taylor slapped my arm playfully and we continued walking down the hallway.

" Ow. Careful, you're hitting the Regional Freestyle Dressage Champion!" I slapped her back.

" Oh My Gosh!! Mia you won?!" She paid no attention to the slap and hugged me. Her hugs are so tight!

" Can't. Breathe." She released me from the hug and I told her about all of my classes at Regional. 'Riiiiiingg. Riiiiiingg.' " Sorry Taylor, got to go. See you at lunch?" I turned down the hallway, going the opposite direction from Taylor.

" Definitely." Taylor mouthed the words before turning down her own hallway for classes.

'When I saw you buying cosmo, and a hot rod magazine, I said to myself , now there's a girl for me.' I tapped my finger on the side of my desk in time to the music. My dressage timing instincts made me a pro at tapping to the beat. Judge me all you want, but Collin Raye was my jam! My Biology teacher walked up to the front of the board and turned on the projector. I took this as a cue to take out my earbuds and turned my attention to Miss G. She rapped the board with her ruler before turning to face the class.

"Students, please pay close attention. We will start your year end projects tomorrow, and I need to go over the guidelines." She waited for everyone to quit listening to music before continuing. " You and a partner will have to create a diorama representing the natural environment of any animal you choose. The diorama must be creative and original, but you may use  reference pictures. Your partners will be assigned by a random name generator." She concluded her monologue and bent down at her laptop to assign partners. Two names appeared on the screen, and Ms. G deleted them from the list so the students' names would not appear again. I kept glancing back and forth to the board, but my name was yet to be called. I stopped looking for my name and turned my attention to a drawing of Cavallo on my desk.

" Mia ?" I look up to see a tall, broad shouldered guy in front of my table. The tables in my classes are meant for two, and in all of my classes, there is an odd number of students. With odd numbers, I got to sit at a table by myself.

" That's me." I slid my drawing under my binder and turned to the boy sliding into the empty seat. " I'm assuming we're partnered together, and you're new?" I quirked an eyebrow at the new kid and grabbed some regular number 2 pencils from my bag.

" Yeah, I'm guessing my face and the fact that I came over here kinda gave that away." I laughed at his sheepish grin and pulled up the more detailed instructions for our assignment on my laptop.

"And your name is? I need to know or you'll end up being called 'person' during the whole span of the project." I waggled my finger at him with mock seriousness spread across my face.

" Lance Armstrong. That's my name" I laugh before inquiring farther. " My name is Jason Park. Biology partner at your service." Jason mocked a bow before sitting down and pulling out a pad of paper. " First thing first. What animal are we going to do?" I glance up from my drawing and tap my pencil against my chin.

" Let me see your phone." He handed over his smartphone with a questioning look. I entered an address and my phone number into a contact before handing back his phone. " Meet me at this address around 4:00. If you have any questions, call me." The bell rung and I headed to my next class, leaving Jason dumbstruck in Biology.

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