Regional Championships Part 2

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Cavallo and I moved gracefully through the ring, completing each move as close to perfection as we could get. My nerves relaxed with each completed move, undoing the knots in my stomach. The song I had chosen was almost halfway through, which would mean I had about a minute before my freestyle pattern ended. While in the middle of the Spanish walk I'd mapped out, I noticed a tall, lanky man standing on the outside of the arena railing, walking, following the movements of my horse and I. I returned my focus to the moves, remembering the piaffe coming up. I urged Cavallo through the piaffe, making sure he never slowed or sped up. Only two more moves. My nerves were rebuilding, knowing that placings came after my performance. After my final move, I stopped Cav in the middle of the ring, nodded to the judge, and walked out of the arena.

" That was number 148, Mia Sanders, riding A Knight In Shining Armor. The freestyle dressage 13-19 class is now over. Placings will be announced after the break." I let out a large sigh of relief and slumped over Cavallo's neck.

" Good job boy. That was amazing!"I scratched Cavallo's chest and watched as his ears flickered back and forth. Bailey was resisting the urge to run over to me. If she ran, she knew it would scare the horses. She finally made it over to me and reached up to hug me.

" Mia!!! That was incredible!! I think you may have won. You most definitely placed." I grinned down at Bailey. " I'd make you slide off so I could give you a real hug, but I know you'll have to stay on for the placing call. Right as the words left my trainer's mouth, the announcer called all of the entrants back into the arena.

" 188, 143, 192, 304, 318, 212, and 148 please report to the Dressage Arena for your placings." The monotone voice of the announcer got annoying, but I was too excited and nervous to care. I lined up with the other 19 competitors in the center of the arena and waited while the placings were called to the announcer. " In sixth place, we have number 209, Kayla Myers. In fifth place, we have number 188, Bret Willis. In fourth place, we have 567, Alexandra Callin. In third place, we have number 192, Macey Morrows." I smiled at Bailey's niece, who had done extremely well for her first year of dressage. I'd been doing dressage for five years, and she was already catching up to me. " In second place, and this was a very close competition, ladies and gentlemen," I glanced over my back to see Bailey pointing at me and the girl who had gone before me, saying it was between me and her. " Number 212, Amelie Rogers. And in first place, we have number 148, Mia Sanders on A Knight In Shining Armor!" My whole barn family began hollering, and a big grin spread across my face. I reached down to pat my beautiful gelding and turned him out of the arena. On the way out, I caught a glimpse of the weird man I had seen during my performance. I tried reminding myself to ask Bailey about him later, but I was overwhelmed by my barn friends congratulating me. I returned as many high fives as I could before sliding off Cavallo. I handed his reins to Mackenzie, my "groom" and left to grab my awards from the office.

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