19:revenge for toryondo

Start from the beginning

lewich:the core…it's beautiful…

Reese eats up the core.

levi:how are you feeling?

zuru:here you might need this.

Reese lifts up her head and one of her eyes is red in colour. She takes the eye patch from zuru and ties it onto her left eye.

Reese: now I'm back to myself…

mich:it reminds me of our old days.

Sebastian: that eye patch reminds me of the contract I had with master ciel.

Reese: ceil…I almost forgot he had this too.

Suddenly Reese turns around and run past them.She uses her katana to stop a big very slice. 'shadow fang.' She produced her own slice and neutralised the attack.

June: how did she know?

mich:Reese had very sharp senses when she had her own core.

Sebastian: I'm honoured to be able to serve such a wonderful master.

Reese: don't compliment me too much,I'll blush.

muncho:who are you? girl.

zuru:My precious half human and half demon.

lewich:you mean two-third demon and one-third human.

zuru:it's the same.

muncho:that's not what I mean.She's way stronger than an ordinary high level demon.

Reese: I'm the daughter of grimn shadow.

Muncho was shocked and stare big eyes at her. 'unbelievable. Are you speaking the truth?'

Reese: yes.

levi:who's grimn shadow?

muncho:grimn shadow is the strongest demon of the shadow clan. She was my friend and helped me to protect this forest when the others tried to invade it.Grimn was a good demon who helped other demons that were in trouble.She even helped to maintain peace in the human world,that demons may not come and disturb.

mich:eh…!!We were with such a big shot and we never knew?!!

Reese:hehe…that's cos I never told you guys.

mich:zuru…*stares* you knew all this time?

zuru:of course. She's mine,how can I not know.

mich:you!!! Why didn't you tell us?!!

zuru:you didn't ask.

Mich: lewich!!! let me kill this guy!!

lewich:don't ask me. Ask reese.

Reese: hahaha…okay.

Mich: really?

Reese: yea,than I'll kill you later. hahaha…

Another big slice came their way,this time it was more condensed but muncho stopped it with his bare hands clasping it.And with some effort, he breaks the attack.

muncho:go.I'll handle here.

Reese: June, find out who's behind this shit.


Reese:This is my buisness.

Sebastian: don't bother june. He's coming in this direction.

A few more big slices came their way.This time, levi uses his big sword and stops all the attacks that came clashing together. 'don't underestimate me,asshole whoever you are. Lewich, get ready.Pinpoint break.' And with that, the attacks split into many small slices. The slices went past Levi but it went flying randomly at other things.

muncho:girl be careful. One's behind you.

'absorb circle.' lewich cast a spell that absorbs all the small slices into a portal.

muncho:girl,you have strong friends.

Reese: hehe…thanks. Now come forward,whoever you are.

The demon comes out behind the tree.

'I'll kill you.'

Reese: ????who's he?

Sebastian: *sigh…* how did you become a captain?

Reese:shut up!!!

Sebastian: moryondo.He's toryondo's brother.

Reese: erm…hi?What do you want?


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