Chapter 14: Before the Afterlife

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"Stop it! Please! Well find a way. Just don't talk like that." He yelled.
"Dipper... I... I love y...." Her eyes rolled up into her head and her eyelids shut.
"I can't lose you, please!"

Pacifica opened her eyes. It was dark and unnaturally quiet. She remembered what had happened. She looked down at her chest to see no blood.
"Where am I, where's dipper!" She found herself yelling.
Am... am I dead? She thought.
Suddenly a yellow light shined from in front of her.
"Not quite."
Pacifica was enraged at what she saw.
"You, you! Have you come to torment me after death?"
"No, quite the opposite, and you're not officially dead yet blondie, so simmer down." Bill Cipher reassured.
"Then why are you here?" She questioned.
"You beat me, I'm giving you a chance to live." Bill offered.
"What's the catch?" Pacifica spat.
"I can't say there is one. Good luck, and remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold; tell pine tree I said goodbye, the universe is his."
Pacifica perspective became white and blurry before she passed out.

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