Chapter 13: Hospital

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Dipper woke up gulping air rapidly. He was not in the woods, instead in a white room on a bed with a hospital gown on.
"Oh good you're up." Trey sat in a rolling chair along side his gurney.
"Where am I?" Dipper questioned.
"Your in the Gravity Falls Hospital, I was on my way back to the falls when a ranger called and told me that you were found unconscious in the woods." Trey explained.
Dippers eyes widened.
"Where's Pacifica?!"
Trey demeanor darkened as he lowered his head.

Footsteps echoed down the hall. Dipper, Trey, and a nurse with a clipboard harried down the dark park of the hospital.
Dipper and Trey were led in a room with bright lights and an operating table in the center.
There lay Pacifica with two doctors surrounding her.
Dipper didn't blink at what he saw. Trey remained silent.
"Mr. Pines I presume. Ms. Northwest, there's nothing more that we can do for her. I'm sorry." One of the doctors said.
"Is there not anything more you can..." Dipper started.
"She was pronounced dead two hours ago." One of them said.
Dipper looked down.
"Her wounds, they look like she was attacked, by a bear maybe?"
Dipper gave no reply.
"Listen son, you're gonna have to answer me, you were the only one with her." The doctor said.
"Yeah." He lied. "That's what happened, she saved my life too."

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