Shoping Spree

298 11 4

*Note: Story currently undergoing editing. Apologies for the re-pubs!*


I woke up to Victoria's calls.
"Pear!.. Peru! Perudice! I'm about to walk out the door! Get up now and I'll wait for ya!"
I sat up, while rubbing my eyes, and got out of bed fast - soon I heard.

It occured to me last night to wear what I would today to save time, even if it meant sacrificing more comfy attire (like my pj's).

Left my things in close and easy reach.
I grabbed them (phone and backpack) then ran out the door. She °had° waited, leaning next to the open door outside, and we now walked out passed the door's threshold together.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Ash wasn't more than a few steps behind us, now catching up and greeting us.

The morning mist was sweet as ever, almost not noticable most the time,  no where near stingy as our rain, and much less compared the ocean salt-waters.

I let out a relaxed yawn and stretched.
"Buenos dias!" Good morning!
"Morning!" they replied, Ash then added "That's.. Spanish, right?"
"It's cool that you know so many languages, girl." she briefly ruminated outloud, "Not exactly sure where they'd be useful, but still cool." Victoria said.

"Thanks," I placed my hand behind my head in perceivably bashfull a pose, "but it's only like two or three additional ones.. " I said, holding out my fingers for each number. "It's also thanks to my parents! Them being historians and all.." ^note^
"That makes sense." Ash.

Then, what I told them yesterday re-clicked in my memories.
"You guys! I actually finished, I met the deadline!" I said excitedly, retrieving my backpack.

"Really? For your journal entry, right?" asked Victoria.
"That's great!" she replied, a small hair rufle.
"Let's hear it, then!" Ash placed, with a calmness in his expression.

I thought for a moment as we wemt on and stopped in my tracks. They did, too.

"Hey, why don't we read inside? We're a less than a minute away from our apartment and we were gonna start off today with some shopping, anyway."

"You have a point." said Ash.
"That's true. But ya finally got up in time," complained Vitoria, almost to herself, curling her hands face-up in front of her stomach as she said "and now we've all decided to stay longer.." Victoria had side-commented with a side-smile. (She's a very punctual person; amazed and glad she still manages to up with that aspect-lack in me.. -v-')

"Lol." [said as if were a word] Ash smiled as well. "Sure, let's read inside."

We returned, went inside the apartment in which Victo and I we're roomies.
Hey! That should be her knew nickname! She'll probably like it better than Victy.. And it makes more sense. It sounds slightly tomboyish, though, however, think it can still fit her personality. ✔ She's got sweetness and enthusiasm to her, but dicernible toughness, too.

We all sat on the couch.
In betweem them, sat me.
Ash sat next to me calmly. I reached for my journal book. Then, all of a sudden

he became livey and surprise-glomped me from behind.

"Ash! Hey!" I struggled some.
"Aw, c'mon!" he then gently grabbed among my hand or wrist to pull me a little and kissed my cheek. I yelped in surprise.

"What the..!" I said right after, turning while touching my cheack, lightly, as if in a tapper.

Victoria didn't seem to mind (was looking the other direcrion and seemed in her own thoughts or business), but I sure did!

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