The even more shocking news

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I am so bored!!!!!!!!!!! Just because I am a really good fighter, doesn't mean I have to scout ALL the time. It does give me a lot of time to think though...
I wonder if Mia will have another vision. (Another one!)
Scar looks bored standing over by her tunnel. She hates scouting but the others don't know that.
I think she just needs to meditate. Relax for a while.
Kayla must have noticed Scar looked bored and a little depressed- she looks depressed when she is deep in thought. I see Scar give Kayla a hug. She then walked over to a corner to meditate.
Kayla must have noticed and took over for her.
Kayla is terrified of scouting. I wonder why she took over...
Ross then ran over to me and told me that he would take over for me.
I put my sword away and he took his out. I walked over to the others and sat down.
"I have some news. Alesa somehow contacted Ross. She had twins. A boy and a girl. We have to hurry back. Alesa needs help. Okward is there. He helped with the birthing process by letting her squeeze her hand, but she wants me to be there." Adam explained.
"If we are going to hurry back, there is no time to waste! Do you guys have enough energy to keep going?" I asked.
"Ye!" They all replied.
"Ross and Kayla said the same thing. They are looting." Adam said. He looks exhausted.
"Adam. Are you okay to travel? You seem exhausted!" Max said shifting his position.
A/N oh mah gahd! What wall happan naxt????? (I spelt that wrong on purpose to annoy some people (I am so evil))
Peace out! ❤️

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