Who's our target?

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The big oak doors swung open, allowing is through to the The Boss' office.
"Welcome girls. Are you ready for the knew target?" The Boss asked as we walked into his office.
"Yeah, sure. Will this be a hard target to find?" Scarlet asked confidently. She is always so confident.
"The boys have this target, too. It shouldn't be hard to find with the boys with you. It is a man with a camera for a face, a robot and a dog. You may be on your way. The equipment you need is in the closet. Oh, and by the way. Happy Birthday, Mia. You are 23 now, I see. Have a good day. Bye girls!" The Boss said. Meetings with the Boss are always in and out in like three seconds.
The doors close behind us and we head to the outside closet.
We grab our equipment and head over to the boys house.
"Hey guys, are you here?" Kayla called as she walked straight to the kitchen. That is the one place you will find Adam. Either eating something or cooking something.
No one was in the kitchen. We checked all the rooms. All that was left was the basement.
We climbed down the creaky stairs and finally arrive at the bottom. It isn't dark, as always because mobs would spawn if it was. This is minecraft you know.
"I'm not going over to the back part of the basement!" I say hurriedly.
"Mia, you have to get over it. You know it will never come true!" Scarlet said legitimately dragging me over to the shrine. If you guys are confused, Kayla made a shipping shrine here. It is shipping me with Max. Never going to happen. She used the guys basement (with permission) to build it because we don't have a basement.
Max, Adam, Ross? What are you doing down here?" I say as I see the talking next to the shrine. I have my hand covering the part of my vision the shrine is in.
"The shrine has changed look at it. Happy birthday!" Max said.
I look at the shrine and gasp. It isn't me and Max anymore.
"Adam and Alesa?" I ask.
"Yup! We are engaged, remember!" Adam said.
"Yeah, I remembered but you guys are ENGANGED which means the ship has come true and there isn't a need for a shrine. But anyways. Thanks guys for taking it down. It is better a real couple than a fake one." I said. I hoped I hadn't offended any of the guys. It didn't seem like I had. They just shrugged and kept smiling.
"Are we allowed to know who your knew mission is?" Ross said taking a step closer to me.
"A man with a camera for a face, a robot and a dog. The same as yours I believe." I replied. Scarlet and Kayla nodded.
A/N sorry the update didn't come sooner. I have been busy. Really busy. Anyway I hope you are enjoying my story so far Kawaii Spiders! I will try to update again soon, Peace out!

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