Chapter 1

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A/N: This story was created especially for Kissanimeloverlo and leeviadawn. They wanted a Reader x Kakashi oh well just read how this goes.
Chapter one: The first bond with (Y/N)
Your POV
"Where is he?", Kakashi asked annoyed by Obito's lateness. I looked around hoping to see the funny loving crush of mine. He appears but has fallen down hard on the ground. "Did I make it?" "Might want to see the look on Kakashi's face to answer your question", I smiled and helped him up. "You're late again" "I had a good reason! I was helping an old lady with her bags". This was usual, Obitio was late Kakashi would complain and Obito would come with some excuse to why. While that happened me and Rin would wait until Minato-sensei would stop their bickering. "That's enough you two. I'm sure Obito was being kind" "You're too nice Minato-sensei. Ninja who disobey the rules are scum". There it is! The part where Kakashi would say the ninja rules speech. Honestly I've broken enough rules for them to call me scum. Even if they did call me scum it wouldn't be any different from every day life of mistreatment. For today's training, we were to spar. I went against Kakashi and Rin against Obito. During our sparring match I would quickly glance at Obito to see how's he doing. Like him, I haven't master my clan's feared power of manipulating blood. With put chakra we my clan is able to control blood which a benefit for both medical ninjutsu and in combat. Hence why so many (L/N)'s were either Anbu or medic-nin. I was an outcast and it wasn't that it bothered me, I just wanted to be able to master my clan's kenkki genkki (if I misspelled please don't hesitate to correct me). In order for us to control blood, we'd have to have our eyes as red as blood to see the victim's/ patient's blood stream and etc. That was something that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I felt a punch on my stomach and held myself. "Quit watching your boyfriend and concentrate" "Why should I? Is it again the rules?". Kakashi glared at me and was annoyed by what I said. "Your sharp tongue will one day cost you're life" "Yeah just like you and your strict following the rules shit". For a girl magnet, he's too rude to even attract girls. I don't get what they see in him. Then again I'm not the average female here. After our training was over I was to heading home. Or as I call it hell. My mother left me and my father when I was five. Ever since then, he'd take out all his emotions on me. I had to suffer for my mother's decision. I hated both my parents. My mother cheated on my father and he took it out on me instead of her. Instead of learning to calm down. I walked closer to home, but decided to turn around and go somewhere else. I sat down on a tree and looked up at the sky. Looking at the stars hoping someday I'd be rescued from the hell I live. I dream of my future where I'm a beautiful grown woman. Where I'm married to Obito and we have little children of our own. A girl can dream. I felt a few tears coming down my face, why was I crying this time? Why am I crying? I do wish I can escape the world and live somewhere that's relevant to my dreams.
Kakashi's POV
After our training, we all headed different directions. As I walked around I saw (Y/N) on a tree and looking up. She looked beautiful with the sun set's light hitting her perfectly. I'm not going to lie, I've fallen in love with the one girl who isn't madly in love with me. She smiles a lot and has happiness all over her face. She's like the sun, always bright and warm. Except towards me she's so cold. "What are you doing here?", I asked her. She didn't respond. "Why aren't you going home?" "I don't want to" "Why?" "I don't have to answer to you", her voice cold as always to me. "No but you do have to answer to your parents and Minato-sensei". She looked away and kept silent. "What's wrong?" "Why do you care? You're always so strict and mean" "Being nice for a change wouldn't kill either of us" "Maybe" "I'll walk you home" "No thank you" "Come on" "No" "Your father will worry" "Why would he care anyways? I hate him". My eyes widen and I grabbed her arm. "HOW COULD YOU HATE YOUR FATHER? BE LUCKY YOU HAVE ONE" "LUCKY?! YOU THINK IT'S LUCKY FOR ME TO BE STUCK WITH HIM!", she had tears in her eyes and yanked away from my grasp. "FINE I'LL GO HOME LIKE YOU WANT ME TO! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!". She ran away and I went after her. "(Y/N) wait!". I saw the light of her house on and two shadows. One of them was in the right size to be her and the other must have been her father. "YOU LITTLE BRAT! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU! I TOLD YOU TO NOT COME HOME THIS LATE!", he grabbed her and I saw punches and kicks striking (Y/N). "Stop it! Please I won't do it again!", I heard her yell and cry at the same time, "Dad stop it!". She tried running away but he pulled her by her hair and threw her down. He let her go and she ran away from him. I knocked on the door and he opened. "Who are you?", I was able to smell the alcohol in his breath. "I'm Kakashi. (Y/N)'s teammate. I got into an argument with her earlier I'm here to apologize." "She's not available" "I know she's here let me see her" "No" "I know you hit her! I know you abused her!". He kept his cold icy glare at me. I pushed my way threw and he started to attack. Luckily I was able to knock him out quickly. I ran to find (Y/N) and found her lying on the floor hugging herself and curled up with no bed. She was crying softly and had was shaking. "I hate you both", she whispered. "(Y/N)? It's ok" "Ka-Kakashi?", she sniffed and looked at me. "It's ok. I'm taking you with me" "N-No. He'll kill me!" "No he won't. I'll protect you"

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