part 23: sleep over plans

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Hey sorry it took so lo g to upload. Its getting near the end of the school year and I've been having huge project after another. But I promise I'll start writing a chapter every other day :D


Kids pov:

My head felt fuzzy and so was my vision. But you now not felt but quite frankly literally because I couldn't see. Crap! What if I was taken by an enemy!

"Kid kidd! It's ok- please calm down."

Soul? I looked over and say a majestic face of the; one and only soul eater Evans. "Oh hey soul.... What's going on."

"Well taking that you have four new holes in your mouth. And we're sleeping for nearly five hours. I'll just say you're ok. Not fine not great. Just ok."

........." ...just.ok."

"Yup just ok."


"Hey soul Maka and I were talking. Do you want to have a sleep over it can be at my place."

"Your place bag. Why not mine. And we just got snacks. Why dont you call everyone and I'll get everything ready. "

"Ok. My gums have already pretty much healed. Being a reaper we heal faster...but I'm still only going to eat soft foods. Father said to. Tell the end of this week"

" alright I'll pick you up some jello. Ok "

"Alright that will work thank you" as I finished my sentence I kissed him on the lips. After our break we parted. I decided to call every one up.

Every one agreed to going over. So I guess I should let soul know.

I dialed souls number on my out of date phone.


"Hey it's kid."

"Hey soul! Every one can come they will be at your place at 6 o'clock pm sharp."

"Sweet! I'll see you there then"

"Alright see you then. "

I hung up on him. I needed to get dressed anyways.

My closet is a walk in closet. Its pretty big. And by big I mean I could make a secret room out of it. Which would be pretty cool. Maybe a reading nook or drawing studio. Maybe that will be my next project.

I took out some sweat pants I totally forgot I had and a purple tee shirt with a cartoon frog on it.

"Sense when did I have this looks like a mix of something an old man and a 5 year old child would wear..... Maybe father got it for me. He's like 2000 and mentally 10 so-" I slid on the shirt and pants. After spending 15 minutes looking for a decent pair of shoes I came up empty handed so reverted to Liz and pattis light blue flip flops. With gems on them. Gonna look like a fool already so why not add to.the cause.


Father turned and watched me leave the house. "Alright but be back before dinner tomorrow I'm making tea cake for dessert."



Sneak peek of chapter 24:

Souls pov:

I rushed to the gas station to grab some jello for kid. There was many flavors. Cherry. Blue raspberry. There was even cookies and cream. Which to me sound disgusting all in itself. Not being able to chose I just grabbed him a lime jello container. I'll have to make it before the guests arrive. That and I should pick him up some other goods that are soft.

Oh hey I remember he has an addiction to sushi. Unlike his father with tea. He's with sushi. Sometimes I swear they are more alike then meets the eyes.

I'll just grab him a tray of gas station sushi.

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