part 9: unexpected mission.

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This is a short chapter.. Hehe the next few will be longer-


Kids pov:



jerking up, what is my father calling me for. And he does know I have a phone. But being the old butt he is I guess Its self explanatory.

So I got up to answer him "Be right there father.".

I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Yeah father do you need something?"

"Ah kiddo! Yes yes! I have a mission for you. Are you open?"

Open yes but liz and her sister are out of town this weekend. "Yeah I'll just take soul with me.

"Alright great listen up, I want you to go to the north side of the city. There I want you to find Stein. He has the folder. Alright. Well got to go. Love ya_ " and he's gone.

"Hey soul!"


I walked out and sat next to him "wanna go on a mission with ? Father called to meet up with Stein. He's probably at the bar. North side of the city."

He looked up at me then smiled. "Yeah sure."

He stood up and took my hand. Entangling our fingers we left the house.

The day was warm but kinda wet. Like its going to rain. Being a desert it still rains quite a lot. The sun's hidden quietly behind some fluffy white clouds. The sun must be asleep to be this quiet. Not hearing its deep laughs kinda brightens the day eliminating the threat of something sneaking up behind you snatching your life away.

"Hey sweet cheeks. Isnt that Stein over there?"

Huh... Oh yeah I guess it is.

"Hey stein!"

He looked over and then walked over handing us the file. "Hey kidd. Soul." here's the file. Your father was busy so I just held onto it.

He walked off and I opened the file. Inside there was a picture of a young boy about 13 with black hair down to his shoulders. He was covered in scratches and gashes. Light blue eyes. And a black outfit with golden liner. .

"Who is this.. Its just pictures..."

As I flipped through the pictures they were all pretty bad. Then the last one was the child holding a bag and is by death bucks.

Who is this. And what do I have to do.


Sneak peek of chapter 10:

Souls pov:

Kid was given this file. Inside it was filled with like 5 pictures. But they weren't of a kishin egg. Or a witch. It looked to be a human child. He wasn't in to great of shape. Well until we got to the last picture. He's in death city. And a bag.. I leaned down to get a closer look. And when I did I seen a small black and white feather by his wrist. Almost as if it was defying gravity.

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