Say Goodbye To The Life You Once Knew

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Connor's P.O.V 

I kissed back, harder than I had imagined. The passion and heat of the moment becoming too much for my stomach to handle. The sparks flying around inside of my body swirled out of control, every single thought that was running through my head instantly being forgotten. He smiled into the kiss before moving his head away.

I was too shocked to say anything, my eyes just looking into his, a small smile making it's way onto my lips.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked, my hands reaching up to play with his hair. He looked so peaceful in this light, a smile evident on his lips.

"Because you were stressed," He replied simply, a small smirk on his lips. He looked so happy, so proud of himself. " And because I wanted to,".

"I'm sorry for stressing out, I'm just scared right now," I said, my eyes staring directly into his.

" Don't worry about it, I would be too," He smiled as he spoke, comforting me instantly and I never would've thought that a simple smile could make me so relaxed though just looking at Troye calmed me.

" Do you think, maybe I could kiss you again?" I said, my cheeks warming up. A small laugh fell from Troye's lips, Though I never got a reply apart from the feel of his lips on my own.

And it was warm and sweet and everything I would've expected from Troye. And his lips were soft and felt like chapstick though weren't slippery, just sweet.

And when we pulled away, we just smiled and laughed because we were happy. All the tweets were loading up on my phone, ready to attack though Sammy wasn't important, no one was as important as Troye, no one had ever been.


Dinnertime was awkward, tension rising at the table every single time that Tyler's phone would buzz. We were all seated at the table, myself next to Troye, Tyler next to Zoe and Sammy on his own. Things were going okay, every single smile exchanged being more and more real each time though as soon as Sammy had reached for his phone and released it after Tyler's phone buzzed, the awkwardness kicked in.

From the outside perspective you would think that Tyler and Sammy were just texting though with every single of buzz of Tyler's phone, I felt my phone vibrate alongside it signally that Sammy had tweeted. He was the only person I had notifications on for and with every single glare sent towards Sammy from Tyler's eyes, it became more and more clear as to what Sammy was doing. Though no one seemed to notice, Troye and Zoe almost acting robotic as they continued with their normal evening plans. The table was becoming more and more awkward with every passing second. I wanted so badly to check my phone, though I knew Troye would read every single tweet over my shoulder and I didn't want him to know what was going on. I didn't want him to stress for him, for him to feel like he needs to protect me all the time.

Tyler's glare towards Sammy was becoming more vicious, every buzz creating more added tension. His body language was tense, his eyes widening with every tweet almost as if he was shocked as to Sammy's sudden violent outbursts. He had never witnessed anything, that is true though I was certain he knew, had noticed the marks littering my back.

" Sammy, for fucks sake, can you stop?," Tyler rages, slamming his fist down on the table. His body has become completely tense, his face becoming more red as the dull pain set into his red fist.

" What have I bloody done mate?," Sammy questions, his face more red than Tyler's. Troye and Zoe's eyes widen at the scene happening before them though I can't bear to look up at them knowing it was my fault they were even arguing in the first place.

" You know what you've done, don't play dumb," Tyler snaps, his eyes looking straight into Sammy's eyes.

"What did he even do Tyler?" Troye peeps up, his face going a slight tinge of pink, embarrassment of becoming involved showing on his face.

" He's tweeting shit about Connor and has nearly turned Connor's whole fandom on Connor completely,' Tyler spits out, his voice rising with his sudden anger.

" What the fuck Sammy!," Troye roars, standing up from the table completely, ready to pounce on Sammy.

" Troye, please sit down," I beg, pulling on to his sleeve. I don't want him getting involved in any of this, any of this drama. God knows what Sammy would do to him, harm him or try and ruin his career. " Just, sit down please,"

"Okay," Troye replies, sitting down slowly.

Tyler's phone buzzes, a notification pulsing through my phone also. I raise the phone to read the tweet and am shocked by the general nasty behaviour of Sammy.

@Realsammy: @tyleroakley is such a dick, he actually hit me the other night and has been really rude to me this whole tour, I wouldn't trust him.

" That's it, that's fucking it," Tyler shouts, his veins in his neck becoming tighter with every sentence that fell out of his mouth. He looked pissed off, the most I have ever seen him in years. " Get out, get your things and fucking get out! You're not welcome here anymore,"

" You can't just kick me out," Sammy rages, standing up from his seat.

" He just did, now get your things and leave," Troye stands up as he rages.

" Fuck you all," Sammy yells before running quickly into his room, probably to grab his things.

I walk slowly towards his door, wanting to leave this situation behind me completely. I'm so sick of all the drama that this trip has given to me. I don't want for things to be bad anymore.

" I'm sorry," I say quietly as I open the door to Sammy's room.

" Fuck you Connor," Sammy roars before pushing past me and leaving the hotel room entirely, slamming the door behind him. The sound of the door slamming instantly brings tears to my eyes, the force becoming something so terrifying. Though I feel awful for I had never gotten with Sammy, he wouldn't have been so upset right now, If I hadn't made that video then things would be okay, he would be okay, have somewhere to live.

"It's not your fault Connor," Troye whispers to me before bringing me in for a hug.

" How do you always know what I'm thinking?" I ask into his neck, pulling him in tighter for more comfort. He was always so comfortable to me.

" Because I know you," He lets out a small laugh as we hug.

And somehow, in Troye's arms, I know that everything is going to be okay. 


Another chapter down! really glad you guys are enjoying this book! Dedicated this chapter to: @taenitetronnor because her comments made me laugh so hard in math's today and I had to explain to my teacher that I was not laughing about algebra! Seriously, I appreciate the support. If you want a dedication, leave a comment on this chapter about your favorite thing about this story. Love you all xx  

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