Build your hopes up like a tower

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Troye P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining over my body. An intense heat surrounded the room, though the sight of a sleeping Connor made the room shine. Small snores were falling from his mouth, his hair a mess upon his head though the happiness that had made it's way onto his face was something that could not be replaced. My arms were draped over his sleeping body, his head buried deep into my chest. His breathing was consistent, his heart beating softly each second. He looked so in bliss as he lay upon my chest.

I moved my hand closer to his face, my thumb making it's way onto his forehead, softly tracing the outline of his face. He moved closer into my touch, his head buring deeper into my chest.

"Troye?" He groaned into my chest, a small sleepy voice prominent.

"Yeah?" I reply, my fingers threading their way through his hair, moving small pieces of his hair back and forth.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, his head moving to face me. I caught sight of his eyes and my heart skipped a beat. The green in his eyes were hypnotising, the small flashes of happiness running through them as they fluttered, adjusting to this new light.

"I slept just fine, you?" I spoke, a small smile making it's way onto my face.

"I slept good," He sighed before resting his head back into my chest again. His arms were wrapped around my waist, small squeezes being pushed throughout my body.

"What are you plans for the day?" I ask, looking down at him happily.

"To talk to Sammy and end things hopefully," He begun, his eyes looking down. "Then we've got the day off so maybe we could do something?" He asked hopefully, his eyes meeting mine.

"How about we go get icecream and see a movie or something?" I ask, moving my fingers to thread through his, my thumb stroking the top of his hand.

"There is this new movie that I really want to see!' He says excitingly, his voice rising.

"What movie?"

"It's called Spud 3! It has this really hot actor in it," He giggles, staring up at me adoringly.

"And who is that actor?" I ask teasingly.

"Caspar lee," He responds before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"You dick!" I teasingly yell, swatting at his shoulder with my hand.

"Sorry, Troye but you can't always be the best," He teasingly says, his eyes trailing up and down my body.

"Shut up!" I say before laughing softly.

These are the moments I cherished.

"How about we go see the new Disney movie? Inside Out I think it is called?" He asked, his hands reaching up to play with his hair.

"Sounds like a plan! I'll go get breakfeast ready for everyone and then we will get going, aye?' I ask softly, sitting up straight.

"Yeah, okay. I'll go talk to Sammy while you cook breakfeast," He replies shyly, his eyes raking up to the ceiling.

"Good Luck Con, I'll be here when you're done," I say before moving the blankets slowly to the side and getting out of bed.

I feel bad leaving him to deal with Sammy but the more that I stay with him and comfort him, the more he will put off the situation. For now, all I can do is wait. Wait for Connor to be ready to talk to Sammy, wait for the conversation to end and wait for things to come right again. I don't even know if Connor likes me, will like me whatever. I just need for him to be happy and right now ending things with Sammy is the only way he will be truly happy.


So, Another chapter down! This was more of a filler chapter though I wanted to get you guys prepared because I am hoping to have a lot of drama in the next chapter! Should be interesting, is all I can say without spoiling anything.

Anyway, I love you guys heaps and every single time I get a comment or a vote on a chapter it really makes my day. The encouragement and just general support from you guys is really comforting and I am so pleased you are liking this book. I know that we are just a small book and that we don't have that many reads though the people that continue to support me day by day are the people that I truly am fond of. Thank you so much.

Also, Troye is going to LA soon, should we expect a Tronnor meet up? I hope so, nothing has happened in weeks!

Thank you all for the support! I will have the new chapter up soon!

~ Jorja

Coffee Stains - Tronnor Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora