"Unspoken History" -FACE family-

Start from the beginning

No, he caught himself straying again. Matthew blinked a couple times before going back to his story.

"Anyways, they brought us out to the main deck. A majority of the people in the ship were standing around this three foot platform. It almost looked like a small stage. The two men pushed us there and forced us to stand facing those who were staring up at us from the front of the platform. That's when hell broke loose..."

"Ladies and gentlemen. Who we have gathered here today are the causes of our doomsday."

"The men called out to the crowd and explained to everyone how we were the cause of their DoomsDay. They claimed that the outbreak of the dead was our plans and our intentions because of our qualities. They claimed that since we can't die, even though right now it's obvious that we are just like them, we wanted to kill everyone else. And no matter what I said.. They always believed the two men. They always did. Alfred protested against this and tried speaking up for the both of us but that only made it worse.

"Before we knew it, we were guilty of everything that was going wrong. In a suitable world, we would have to endure trial and get an equal say into our part of the matter. But that didn't happen. Order didn't exist now and everyone had  free reign of their intentions... That's when they snapped us."

Arthur blinked, a bit startled at what the other said. "Snapped you? What do you mean?" It was such a harsh term to use, which wouldn't be entirely overexaggerating. Matthew looked over at him, flashing a little smile to assure him.

"Ha.. Well, as the definition they had, it was performing things on us to make us 'snap' and break as a punishment for what we were accused of doing and a way to get us to fix this. As you could tell, our hands were tied and we had nothing to help us. Everyone on that ship was against us and the only people who knew the right thing were the both of us. That didn't help us.

"We were on that ship for two months. Two months. Every night we stayed in those metal rooms. Food was given in incredibly small portions and rarely. I felt like a lost cause dog in a kennel. Some days I would sit by the door and wait for that harsh drop of a tin tray on the floor beside me. That sound was the only pleasant thing I endured during those months... I know, that doesn't sound great. But, in the conditions we were in, that was the best to have happen."

Arthur furrowed his brows as he listened to Matthew. Did they really have to go through something like this? He could just imagine the two yearning for food where they were. He didn't like the thought of them being in such a state. Before the Brit could comment on this portion, Matthew continued.

"Every day was something different... At first, they would simply beat us. Sometimes it'll be with bare fists, others it was a variety pieces of metal- there were so many things I could hardly keep track. The funny thing is.. well it's not funny but.. everyone on the ship seemed to be in on it. Every time I was brought into another session of Snapping, it was a new person. I don't think I was tortured by the same person once. Maybe I was.. I couldn't tell." He sighed.

"The first week of this, we were fine. You know us. We've been through worse things. We've seen things none of those people have ever seen. This torture was nothing. Well, that's what we thought. Alfred used to talk to me through the little window we shared and attempt to soothe my worries. Despite being through my history, I always was shaken by certain things. So Alfred always would talk to me and try and motivate me by saying how this was nothing to what we endured before. Little did we know that this would be the worst thing we would ever experience."

 Barbed wire. Knifes. Handcuffs.

"It didn't take them that long to find our weaknesses. As how the countries no longer stand, our invincibility and never ending life now has a limit. We can die. They found that out fairly quick. How they found out I am not sure. But they did and used it to their advantage. They would hurt us to incredible measures to the point we were close to death yet not in its arms."

This Is Where We Fall (Hetalia Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now