"Look, kid-"

"My name is Nico di Angelo." Nico said suddenly, bravely fixing his, slightly glazed, dark brown eyes determinedly on Perseus.

"Well, Nico di Angelo." Perseus said with a hint of a smile. "I am Perseus."

A look of what can only be described as complete and total awe crossed Nico's features. "Like, the Perseus?"

Perseus scoffed. "Why does everyone think that? I wear the name way better than my cousin ever did."

"Cousin?" Nico said, his jaw dropping wider.

"Look, ki-Nico. Pretty much everyone here is related in some way or another. It really isn't a big deal. Gods don't technically have blood, see...Bah! I'm getting off track. What I was going to say was that I admire your bravery. I also admire your loyalty...but, kid, you can't come with us."

Nico's eyes narrowed. "Bianca is just as new to this as me. If she can go, I need to, too. I have to make sure she is okay." His eyes narrowed even more. "And you can't stop me."

Perseus laughed. "Hell yeah, I can. Nico, I'm sorry, but prophecies, which incredibly cryptic, are also very strict. Five go. Three come back. I understand why you don't like those odds...neither do I. But we aren't gods- only half. Some of us can even see fate, but we can't change it. You weren't meant to be a part of this quest. You're sister, however, is. That isn't me being intentionally mean...but it is just the way it is."

"I can't accept that."

"You don't have to. You don't have to like it either, but know that if you try and come after us, the harpies will come after you. Did you know that they clean our dishes with lava? They also have weird cravings for straggling demigods."

Nico looked down, clenching his fists. "I... what if she doesn't...what...what if...?" Perseus felt bad. The poor kid looked like he was going to have a fit. Perseus didn't want to make promises that he knew he couldn't keep. He didn't want the (unknown) son of Hades to go through the suffering that was to lose someone he loved. But neither he, nor Perseus had a say in the matter. Perseus wasn't sure if Bianca was going to die, or not. He did know that Zoe would, though, and he wanted to push his fists through Atlas himself. But...



"Bring her back." Nico said, his gaze unwavering from Perseus' startling sea green ones. "Promise me. Bring my sister back to me."

Perseus couldn't tear his gaze away. "Nico..."

"Please, Perseus. Protect her. Don't let my sister die."

If only it was that simple.


"Promise." Nico said seriously. "If anyone can do it, you can! Aren't you super powerful? You can make sure she stays safe." He said eagerly.

This kid was really twisting his arm, wasn't he. Gods of Olympus. Sometimes he wondered if normal demigods had to go through this crap. Now, if his sister died, he wouldn't just feel terrible and mourn her...he'd have to live with imagining and experiencing her little brother's reaction. Damn those puppy eyes.

"I will try..." Perseus frowned. "I will try my best, but I can't promise anything."

"But you will try really hard to make sure she stays safe?"

"I will," Perseus said grimly.

Nico beamed. "That's good enough for me! Now, go and kick some ass...but make sure my sister's ass doesn't get kicked! Bye!" And then Nico went off, back into the woods, leaving Perseus with a sinking feeling in his chest. One more person he could disappoint.

"Perseus! You coming, or what?" Thalia complained loudly.

"Shove over," Perseus said grimly to Zoe, who was in the driver's seat. "I'm driving first," he said, leaving no room for argument.

Well then, this was going to suck.

I know, I know! Short chapter, but kind of vital! I am sooo sorry that I haven't updated in a while...a while kind of being an understatement. I will mainly focus on Percy Jackson- Grandson of Voldemort, and this.  It's a Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover, just in case that wasn't clear by the title. If you haven't read that, please give it a shot.

I'm going to be busy, but I promise to try and be more diligent in writing and updating.

Thank you all so much for all of your support! Please, vote, comment, and read my other books and do the same to them :). Have a great (Insert time until next update)! You guys are insanely awesome! Please keep in mind that nothing is edited. :)


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