Chapter 1.

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Third Person

No one expected the events that were going to take place that day.  That fateful day, when the Lost Hero emerged.  When a hero, long forgotten, came back.  When something scarier than a French Guy with different colored eyes come to the surface.


"All right, ladies and dudes.  Get on, we're going to take a little trip to Camp Half-Blood." Apollo announced to the Hunters, the daughter of Zeus, the daughter of Ares, the young undetermined siblings, and the Satyr.

"Think you could make room for one more, old buddy?" A voice rang out.

Everyone stared, shell shocked, as a cloaked figure came into view.  The trio from Camp Half-Blood looked confused, as did all but one of the Hunters.  Zoe Nightshade and Apollo knew exactly who the voice belonged to, but it was impossible, wasn't it.

"It can't be..." Apollo breathed, his eyes wide.

"I'm afraid it is." The man approached, taking slow, deliberate steps to the group.

"Who are you, male?" A Hunter demanded, notching an arrow.  A lot of the other Hunters followed her lead.

The man laughed, and lowed his hood.  Piercing sea-green eyes with a warm fire burning within stared into the very souls of the young Hunters and Campers.  

Zoe gasped, and staggered back.  Apollo stood, numb at the familiar figure.  A Hunter fired.

"No!" Zoe yelled, but it was too late.  The arrow was already sailing right for his head.

The man laughed again, and water came in the shape of a fist out of no where, and grabbed the arrow before tossing it aside.

"There were a lot of ways I could have avoided that, but I chose the most modest way so I wouldn't have to display them."

Then, Zoe Nightshade surprised everyone by walking right up to the man and slapping him, before hugging him.  Chuckling, the mysterious man hugged her back.

"Where the Hades have you been?  Do you have any idea..." Zoe trailed off, a tear falling down her cheek, as she gripped him tighter.

"I missed you too.  You're like a sister to me, and you know I would have visited if I could...I was...well...I can't exactly say.  But if my old buddy, Apollo, will kindly allow me passage to Camp Half Blood on the ole' Sun Car, I'll be going to to Camp with you, so there will be plenty of time to explain there." 

Zoe nodded, wiped the tear from her cheek, and gave a small grin.  "I'll hold you to that.  You've got a lot of explaining to do."

The man laughed again, and nodded.  "Yes, I'm sure I do.  So, what'd you say, old friend?"

"I say that the next time you call me old, 'Old Friend,'" He said mockingly, "I'm gong to pound you into dust."  Apollo gestured vainly to himself.  "I mean, look at me.  "I've never looked better."

The man let out another booming laugh, and clasped the Sun god's shoulder.  "I knew there was a reason I missed you!"

The two men gave each other a 'bro hug', and laughed at each other.

"Can't believe I actually missed people," The man said.  "It's certainly been a long time."

"A couple thousand years, man.  You've got some explaining to do."

"Now isn't the time.  We'll talk later.  But now, I believe there are anxious Hunters and Campers whom are awaiting the surely welcoming view of Camp, am I right?"

"You almost always are.  All right, everyone in!" Apollo said with a huge smile on his face.

As the man got into the vehicle, and turned back to wink at the Hunter that he considered a sister, before sitting down.

"What the Hades was that?" Phoebe demanded.

"He's a good guy," Zoe defended.  "He's the one who...saved me from him, and if it weren't for him, I never would have joined the hunt.  He is like a brother to me.  It's been a long time, and I've missed him.  So be nice, or at least civil, okay?"

Zoe didn't wait for an answered and sat down.  Phoebe hesitated, and then followed her.

The man blinked in surprise when the daughter of Ares sat down next to him.

"Who the Hades are you?" She demanded.

The man laughed again.  Did everything amuse him?  "Oh, me?  My name is Perseus."

The name sounded familiar to her.  She thought for a second, and then she face went slack.  "'re...him?"

Perseus winked and grinned.  "Oh, no.  I'm not.  I'm another Perseus."

"Another Perseus?"

"Yup," He grinned.  "But you wouldn't have heard of me.  There are no legends of me."

"Then you must not have done anything to get remembered by," Clarisse said, her eyebrows furrowed.

He laughed yet again.  What was with this guy?  

"Oh, I wouldn't say that.  I most certainly wouldn't say that..."

He trailed off, and Clarisse didn't ask anymore questions.

"Okay, now, who should drive?" Apollo grinned.

"Oohhh!  Pick me!" Nico jumped up and down to get the Sun god's attention.

"Too young," Apollo said.  He looked at the young satyr.  "Too furry."  He skimmed over Clarisse and grinned at Perseus.  "I already know your answer." Perseus grinned and shrugged.  "Okay, so that leaves..." He looked at the daughter of Zeus.


"You're old enough, so don't worry about that." Apollo grinned.

"I guess..." 

"Come on, sis.  You'll do fine.  It isn't like Zeus will blast you out of the sky."

"I'm sure that makes her feel so much better," Perseus whispered to the daughter of Ares.

She chuckled, and Perseus sat back and closed his eyes.  So that was his position as the daughter of the sky torched New England, but they ended up at Camp in one piece, so no lasting harm done.

Now for the really hard part.  Revealing himself might not go over's been such a long time...but there really was no other option.  Something was brewing.  Someone was brewing under the depths of the Earth.  And he was the only one who knew, and was the only one who had a prayer of saving them once again.

That is right, this is an update.  To all of you who are reading this, I am sorry for not updating sooner, but I've been busy working on my other stories.  Mainly, Percy Jackson-The Grandson of Voldemort.  If you haven't read it yet, please give it and my other stories a try.  Also, I might not update this for a while, because, as I said before I'm busy, not just with my other stories, but school stuff and everything else, so be patient, please.

I'll update another chapter as soon as I can, but it will most likely take a while, so bare with my, folks.


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