"Why? What could they do that was so bad that it made you want to leave?" The Alpha asked me. I went to speak but he cut me off .

"And if I don't think it's a good reason I'm going to torture you and then kill you for treason." I gulped and nodded deciding to just tell the truth no matter how pitiful it is.

"I can't shift. I was born to two very powerful wolves and I grew up as a regular werewolf but I was never able to shift when I hit the age ten. Last night I turned sixteen and I found my mate." I took a deep breathe to try and calm myself down as the pain from the rejection was coming back to me.

"Why would you want to leave your mate? You must be insanely stupid, do you know how important a mate is? And you just left them? Pathetic." The Alpha spat at me.

"I- he, he rejected me, I couldn't. I can't, they abused me and the one person who was supposed to love and protect me hates me. He told me I was disgusting." I couldn't help the sob that escaped my throat and fell to my knees and my body convulsed with pain. I could barely breathe but I didn't care, in that moment I wanted to die. I hated everything about myself. My life. It was too painful. I just couldn't do it anymore. My head started to pound from lack of oxygen and my vision dimmed and swirled. Dots flickering here and there. I knew that I was going to pass out soon and I knew that I should probably stop crying but I couldn't.

"Hey, I think you need to calm down." The Alpha said reaching for me, but it was too late. I tried to breathe in some sort of air and passed out before I even had the chance.

*I was gonna stop here but I felt like the chapter was too short and I'm trying to keep the chapters 2,000 words or more. Anyway, continue...*

I woke up with a blazing headache. My body felt sore and heavy as well, my throat was parched and I could barely keep my eyes open. I expected to be on the cold hard forest floor but I was supposed to find myself laying on a full sized comfortable bed. It was so soft that I practically sunk into it, just how I liked it. I turned my head to look around the room and found a glass of water on the bedside table. I sat up with my body screaming in protest but I was determined. I grabbed the water first with my left hand and then held it with both before bringing it up to my lips and taking a sip. It felt so good going down my throat and I tipped the cup a little more to make the water flow out of the cup and into my awaiting mouth faster. When it was gone I frowned and let out a small pout wishing that I had more. I was so distracted with my thoughts of having more water that I didn't heat anyone approaching the door until it opened. I let out a small squeak and dive under the covers of the bed like they would protect me from the intruder... Or am I the intruder since this isn't my room or my house...?

A deep chuckle came from whoever was in the room before I felt the covers being pulled back and over my head to rest on my lap. I glared at the young man who had light brown hair a and green eyes. I grabbed the covers again and brought them over me to hide myself. I heard the person scuff before grabbing the blankets and yanking them off my upper body again. So do you know what I did? I grabbed those motherfucking pieces of cloth one more time and brought them over me. And the male had the audacity to pull them back down. I reached to grab the again before he lost his patience with me.

"Enough!" He shouted making me shrink back into the bed as he look down at me with a frown. He let out a sigh and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"My name is Adam Grey, Beta of the Firestone pack." I let out a small gasp. They were the most hardcore pack in the country. Why did I have to stumble upon them of all people? I was punching myself in the face in my mind.

"I need your full name, age what pack you are from and what your plans are since you left your pack." He told me bring his left hand out of his pocket and inspected his nails as if he didn't really care about any of that stuff.

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