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Maybe I'll close my eyes one night. Fall asleep eventually in a world of pain, hurt, depression and dying.

And then in the morning, all the pain will be gone and I'll be in a world I never had seen before.

Painless. Free.

Everything will be different. It would be like my eyes would be cleared and a new light would shine on the world.

Hunger would disappear. No one would go through poverty. Minds wouldn't just go insane. People wouldn't suffer, struggle, and hurt. We wouldn't feel pain, wouldn't die. People wouldn't be corrupt. Wars wouldn't happen. Disasters would be non-existent.

But I guess no matter how perfect the world would be if I woke up and everything changed, it would still have flaws, and imperfections because I've learned nobody's perfect, nothing's perfect, and the world isn't perfect. And it never will be either.

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