Back to The Norm, or So I Thought

Start from the beginning

Dipper's eyes open when the sunlight came through the window. He groaned and moved over to hug his lover, but surprised to find him gone. The brunet patted the empty space on his bed and willed his eyes to open up. "Dominic?" He called.

Then the events of last night came rushing into his head. The night spent together and their talk about leaving last night. 'Oh yeah, he went back to his universe last night.' He thought bringing his mood down. Dipper got out of bed and got ready for today's schedule.

Will and Mabel were downstairs, the brunette eating her breakfast while going through her phone, while the blue humanoid demon cooked breakfast. When they heard Dipper coming down they looked at the doorway to find him underdressed. Well more like messed up in attire, his clothes were nearly done close or set right on his body.

"Brother dear are you okay? Your outfit is entirely messed up." Mabel set her phone down, a bit concerned for her twin, she's never seen her twin so disoriented.

Will went over to his Master and helped him over to the table. He snapped his fingers and Dipper's attire was fixed up properly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He tiredly says even though his mind wondered around not thinking straight. "Just peachy." He groaned as he sat at the table and drank some of the tea Will set down for him.

Will and Mabel shared a look towards each other it some concern for the brunet.

After breakfast, Dominic went straight up to his room and sat at his desk. He took out his journal and started writing some more notes down to keep his mind occupied. Though it didn't help to keep his mind off of Dominic. He sighed, slamming his book shut, then storing it away.

"Everything's boring without Dominic around." He said thinking aloud to himself.

Will stood just outside his door with a pitied expression.

'Maybe Master and I can take a little visit trip...' He thought.

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

"So you've been stuck in a reverse universe of ours. Where everyone's role is switched?" Ford says amazed, since he's never traveled there before.

Dipper nodded happily. "Yeah! The Pines are the Gleefuls, and the Northwests and Gleefuls are Pines related as cousins. It was a wonderful place, but I prefer our universe." He somewhat explained. "It's like looking into a mirror, the opposite of yourself."

"Fascinating." The old man writes what he says down in journal number one.

Mabel next to her brother giggled. "So if it's a reverse universe, does that mean you and Wendy actually got together?" Giving her twin a sly look.

Dipper shook his head and chuckled. If he had been the awkward kid he was back then he would have been stuttering and blushing, but he was a changed teen now. "No, it's actually mush worse over there that's here. I'm guessing it's because Wendy and I are great friends here that we're worst enemies in the reverse world. Tyrone and Wendy are at each other's throats in threats. One time I actually saw Tyrone break Wendy's arm."

"Wait Tyrone? Is that your reverse self's name?" Mabel asked curiously.

"Yeah, I've been under the Geelful Family's care. So technically our reverse family. They're um... evil, but they're kind in their own way once you get to know them."

Stan hummed, "So we're rich?"

Ford pushed his brother. "Stanley!"

"I'm just asking!" Stan exclaimed and then laughed causing the rest of them to laugh too.

Reverse Love [Dipcest] +Discontinued+Where stories live. Discover now