The New Client

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My morning coffee run is probably the best part of my day. The weather here in Baltimore is pretty perfect, even in winter it's a nice 50 degrees, and coming from northern New York that's practically shorts weather year round. Everyone walks everywhere and I am no exception to that rule. Work for me is a leisurely 20 minute walk. On my walk to the office I pass by a bagel shop known as THB. They have the most delicious bagels and breakfast sandwiches I've ever tasted. So I always stop in, get a bagel and coffee and head into work. They are usually busy so I sit down and check some emails while I wait and finish my first cup of coffee. By the time my order is ready, I fill up my second cup and head out the door ready to conquer the day. There are also plenty of usual customers, such as myself, that I will chit chat with too of course. It's a very peaceful and enjoyable start to my morning. That was until a few weeks ago.

Let me preface my morning coffee routine interruption with a small story. I am a real estate agent and not to brag, but I do very well for myself. I would like to say it is my whit or charm but really it's the market place in Baltimore right now. Row houses are being renovated and the ability to move into one of these really nice renovated houses is easy. I am literally over flowing with work and it is a wonderful feeling. I absolutely love what I do. I deal with mostly young professionals and couples. I have met most of my friends down here through work, including my current roommates: Ashley and Brittany. I have made many networking connections through work and because of those connections enjoy free dinners, VIP at bars and events and in general a pretty awesome life. Don't get me wrong though, I work hard and it was not always this easy. My first year was brutal and I had to work 3 jobs just to pay my rent. I was the new kid in town. Luckily one of my good friends and her husband moved down here and I sold them their house. I got them an incredible deal because well I'm pretty relentless. Seriously, people have nick named me "Pitbull". At first I didn't know how to take it being named a dog but now I take it as a compliment of course. I get my clients what they want because I don't stop pushing. Hey, I don't care call me whatever you want, as long as I do my job and I get paid.

Anyway back to my story. Tangent I know; I tend to do that. So because I got my friends such a great house for such a great deal, people they work with started asking questions and referred them to me. They have friends and family that gave referrals and so on and so forth. It's a pretty amazing feeling to be pursued and not the other way around, in many if not all situations; except for the police of course. Never want to be pursued by them. So fast forward to three weeks ago I receive a call from a guy named Jay looking to buy a house. He just moved here and didn't really know where to start. He also needed a house right away. I tell him come to my office on Saturday, I'll show him the map and give him some details and depending on his needs we can go from there. I line up some open houses in each area as a precaution.

 Saturday comes and Jay is at my office. I would be lying if I said that I didn't find Jay attractive. He was tall, probably around 6'3"ish, sandy blonde hair, baby blue eyes and had a muscular build. It wasn't just that he was attractive; he had an aura to him. He just presented himself well and with confidence. When I went to the lobby to meet him, he gave me a firm handshake and looked me right in the eye. You would be surprised of how many men, or people in general actually, don't do this. They look away or do a flimsy handshake. You can tell a lot about a person's confidence in their handshake.

I escorted him to my office and we started to discuss what he was looking for, which was the usual nice area by the water, easy commute to night life but quiet neighborhood with other young professionals. I get it. People move here and want to be apart of it; meet other people like them. That was me only a few years ago so I absolutely understand it. I told him of the hot areas; Fells Point, Patterson, Perkins and my humble abode, Canton. Since my office was in Canton, we started there. When people are new to the area, especially if they move from somewhere less expensive, there can be a sticker shock so I like to show a few places that are high end and low end so they can see the difference and then we decide a price range. I start to explain that when he cuts me off.

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