"What happened to him!?"

"Doesn't matter right now, but he invited me yesterday to this party he was having. He said he wanted to see us, especially you," Maura smiled evilly.

"Why me?"

"He was obviously in love with you when we were smaller. He use to tell me all time how much he liked you,"

I was confused and then I realized that when little kids like each other they're mean to each other. The thing was though, I didn't want to see him, and I didn't really care for this party. What do teenagers even do at party's? Drink, smoke, and hook-up, please count me out. I shook my head. "I can't go,"

"Why not?!" Maura almost jumped at me. "This is a great opportunity for both of us. I could get some new friends so you won't feel suffocated all the time, and you'll have this cute new boyfriend. It's a win-win situation! I see no flaw!"

"I see plenty," I mumbled.

Maura rolled her eyes then leaned back. "C'mon," She groaned. "Do this for me," She was looking in my eyes now. "I just want to have fun. I don't even wanna stay long we'll be there for about an hour. Please, for me?" She pouted.

I sighed. "Only for you, Maura,"

And she smiled. "I love you Sav,"

I was about to reply with a woah because that's the first time I ever heard Maura even say the word love. It was weird but I replied with an I love you too.

After we went to my house and changed we took the train over to Freddy's house, or whoever's house it was.

The music was booming when we entered and the place was hot and sweaty and packed. I wanted to just turn and leave because exactly the things I said were going to be there, was there. Drugs, booze and kids hooking up, no different from another teenage party. I almost walked back until I remember I was doing this for Maura. I wouldn't be doing this for anybody else, so Maura should feel lucky.

We continued further into the house, looking for Freddy. Maura looked more comfortable than I was. She was smiling and talking to people I know she didn't even know. Then it started coming back to me that Maura was the more social one out of the two of us, the more eccentric one. I could've walked buck ass naked into this party and people still would've looked at Maura. I wasn't mad about that. I didn't really like attention anyway and I was sort of glad that Maura was more outgoing. It balanced our relationship out.

 We walked into the kitchen where we finally saw Freddy, making himself a sandwich. I knew it was Freddy because of that scar under his eye that I left there. We had a fight when we were younger and me being the girl I was, I was clawing at him. After they broke us up, one side of his face was all bloody. I felt really bad after that because not only did he have a half bloody face, his mom started yelling at him to not hit girls. I couldn't believe it was still there. It wasn't a deep thick scar or anything, but it was noticable from a distance.

"Maura!" He hollered, his deep voice shaking up the whole kitchen. He wrapped his arms around Maura and picked her up off the ground. Then he put her down and turned to me.

"Sappy Sav," He lifted his eyebrow and smirked. "Nah come here," And he picked me up too. "Wow you girls have grown," He was nodding and staring at our chests.

"Perv," Maura slapped his arm.

He was looking at me now.

"I'll leave you two--" And I grabbed Maura. "Don't," I whispered to her. For some reason I needed her next to me. I didn't want her to leave me here, alone. For some reason I didn't get why she would want to leave me anyway. It seemed weird how much I wanted her next to me, but I needed her here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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