Chapter 15: Not This Time

Start from the beginning

I peeked at the phone with one eye open as I tried to figure out who was calling. It was Mina.

“Ughhhh” I graoned as I declined the call. It came again.


Then again.


Then again.


Then again.

Decli- ACCEPT! God! This girl was so annoying at the moment!

“What?!” I nearly yelled the moment I put the phone to my ear.

“Femke! Where are you? Are you alright? Why are you yelling? Where is Justin? Did he do something to you? Is he near you? Did he hurt you? Have you escaped? ANSWER ME FOR GOODNESS SAKE!” she bombarded me with these questions.

“SHUT UP AND LET ME ANSWER, MINA!” I yelled, making her shut her beak. “Yes, I’m alright! I’m at Chaz’s guest room I guess, I don’t know where Justin is-” I stopped in my mid sentence as I realized, Justin wasn’t next to me. Where was he? “Mina, I’ll call you later. Gotta go” with that I shut the phone. I threw the blankets off of me and stepped on the cold tiled floor.

Damn this guy, Chaz, was rich.

I slowly made my way to the exit door, slipped on my shoes, turned the handle of the door and left the room. There was a swimming pool ahead of me which was fabulous!

“Woah” I chuckled as I examined the finely designed tiles of the pool with the tubes for swimming inside it and the luxurious benches next to the pool with umbrellas on top of the table next to it and delicious punches kept on it.

This was a perfect life that Chaz was living.

I smiled to myself as I made my way to the doors of the TV lounge of the house. Before I got my hands on the handle, I heard yelling sounds from the inside.

I stopped in my tracks as I heard my name being yelled.

“Femke shouldn’t know about this, guys! We have to leave as soon as possible!” the smile from my face instantly dimmed as I heard Justin yell, I’m sure it was him.

“Where’s my shirt that I wore last night?” Ryan exclaimed as he entered the room. I quickly hid behind the door and pressed my ear to it, listening to what they were saying.

“How are we supposed to know?” Chaz replied Ryan with a question.

They had stopped yelling by now. But what was this all about?

“Are you sure Femke didn’t figure out about the bet?” Christian asked the boys.

The bet?

“Yeah, she was asleep by the time I left the room.” I could hear Justin chuckle a bit.

My heart dropped a bit as a few tears gathered up in my eyes, giving me the feeling I was being played with.

“Wow, you really did it?” Ryan asked in a shocked tune.

“Hell yeah! Took a girl’s virginity!” Justin grinned at Ryan as Ryan smirked a bit. “Now, my fifty dollars? Complete the bet, asshole” Justin hit Ryan’s shoulder.

They had a bet?

“Yeah yeah, whatever” Ryan shuffled into his wallet and took out some money. “Slept one night with a girl, took her virginity. How mature, right?” Ryan said, shoveling the wallet back inside his pocket.

“Hey hey hey! Don’t talk that way! We had a bet! You made it up in the first place! You wanted me to take her virginity! YOU said you’d give me fifty dollars in return! Stop blaming it all on me! And since when were you such an immature person? You broke up with Sonia just for your ‘reputation’!” Justin yelled at him.

What the hell?

The tears that gathered up in my eyes started to stream down my cheeks as I covered my mouth with my hand so that the sobs won’t escape. I didn’t want Justin to hear me.

Was he serious right now? Did it all mean nothing to him? Was it all just a stupid bet for him? I gave him my dignity just for him to play with it?

“Alright alright! Now a good time to fight! We have to leave now!” Chaz yelled as he grabbed his car keys and ran out of the house with the boys following him, leaving me behind the doors, completely broken, crying my heart out, wishing I’d never given Justin a chance.

My back hit the door as I slid down, still sobbing with my hand on my mouth.

“How could you, Justin?” I whispered as I clutched onto the heart part of my chest as there was extreme pain over there. I shut my eyes as I looked down, letting some tears out.

Gathering up my left over power which was near to none, I got up, stumbling over my steps as my head hurt a lot. I went back to the guest room, gathered my things and left the room.

I walked over to the TV lounge where just a while ago were the boys whom I thought were my best friends, and one of them was the one whom I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.

I turned the handle of the front door, opened it and left the house. Tears streaming down my face as I walked down the street with my messed up body, mind, heart, and soul. And it was all because of that one guy whom I’d fallen so hard for. That one guy who hurt me so much but I forgave him every time because I didn’t want to hurt him and wanted him to have every happiness he could in this life. That one guy who meant so much to me, but to him I meant nothing more than another bimbo in his ‘to-do list’.

It was all because of Justin. And I could never forgive him for this. Not this time.

Omg! 29+ likes on the last chapter! I love you allll!!!! Especially the commenters! <3

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OH OH! And I'm starting this contest! Like, you all can make a banner or posted about this story and send me the link through messages. And I'll post the best banner on the side! How about that? ;) AND I'll give you credits as well!

The banner/poster can include:

1) Quotations from the story.

2) Dialogues from the story.

3) Title of the story with the authors name.

4) Whatever you think is related to this story.

But it should be yours! You should be the original artist of the poster! I can't to see all the banners/posters! Goodluck and LEGGO! ;D

20+ likes for the next chapter. And a shoutout for the banner maker!

-himo :D

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