2: My name is Bucky

Start from the beginning

"Wow, just how hungry are you?" I asked. He looked at the floor and mouthed a couple words, and I realized he was counting.

"Pretty hungry. I haven't eaten in, a week." he said reviewing the numbers in his head. I grimaced. I couldn't imagine going without food for a day let alone an entire week. I motioned for him to wait, and walked down the hall to my room. I reached into my closet and pulled out a box of my brother's stuff that had been mixed in with mine when we both moved out. Winter looked to be about the same size as Brandon, so I figured they would fit until I had a chance to get him some clothes. I walked out of my room and handed Winter a black long sleeved shirt, a black hoodie, a pair of worn out jeans, and some fingerless gloves. He thanked me, and walked to the bathroom to change. He must have scoped out my apartment while I was asleep.

A few minutes later, he walked out, and I almost let my jaw drop. Almost. The shirt was one size too small; therefore, it hugged his body tightly showing off the curves of his back and muscles. When he stretched the shirt lifted slightly, showing off the faint V-line he had. The jeans sat a little low on his hips and I could just see the top of the waistband of his boxers. He had pulled his shoulder length hair up into a much-despised man-bun, but he pulled it off nicely. He had a few stray strands hanging in front of his face. He had kept his boots and I found that I liked how he looked wearing casual clothes. I would try to get him to wear those more often.

"What are you gawking at?" He asked as he sat down on the couch across from me. I shook my head and stood off the couch. I was hungry, I hadn't eaten dinner last night, and Winter hadn't eaten in a week. It was time to go get some food.

"Nothing, come on let's go eat." I said, pulling on my leather jacket and grabbing my bag. I checked to make sure everything was in there. Wallet, check, chapstick, check, change for parking meters, check, pepper spray for that freak in the alley, check, keys, check. I grabbed the keys and closed my bag, sliding the strap onto my shoulder.

"Come on Winter." I said as I opened the door. Winter stood up and followed me out the door, standing behind me in a manner I'd almost call protective if I didn't know any better. I locked the door and made my way down the hallway to the elevator. We took the elevator down to the parking garage, and I found my car. The black paint reflecting the light from the above lamps. I unlocked the door and climbed in the driver's seat. I got comfortable on the leather seat, and turned the car on as Winter climbed in the passenger side.

"So where are we going to eat?" He asked as I backed out of the parking space and drove out of the parking garage. I kept silent and drove towards my favorite fast food place. He accepted my silence, and looked out the windshield as we kept driving. We were stuck in traffic for a total of one hour, which was surprisingly little for New York.


I pulled into the parking lot and stepped out of the car, only to be tackle hugged by a 6 foot 2 inch tall black haired green-eyed god of mischief. I smiled and hugged Loki back.

"Hey Loke what are you doing here?" I asked as he held me against his chest tightly, and almost possessively. I pulled away from Loki and stepped back towards Winter. Loki smiled, a genuine smile, not the way he smiled after he had just pranked someone, the smile she saved for when he was truly happy. I heard Winter growl lowly and glanced back to see him looking at Loki angrily and clenching his left fist, the metal one. I stepped between him and Loki hoping to stem any chances of a fight.

"What I can't tackle hug my best friend without a reason?" Loki asked in a jesting manner. I tried to scowl at him, but physically couldn't for more than five seconds. I laughed, and walked towards the building. I heard a scuffle behind me and looked back to see Loki glaring behind him at Winter. I ruffled Loki's hair and motioned for Winter to go in front of me. Loki gave me a pouting look.

"Be nice to him Loke." I almost hissed. Loki looked taken aback. I had never used that tone with him. That was always Tony's tone, or Banner's tone. Never Loke's tone. I was always gentle with Loki. He was only mischievous because he wanted attention. It wasn't easy growing up in Thor's shadow for millennia. As long as you gave Loki positive attention, he wasn't a problem. He was actually sweet. However, it pissed me off that he was being rude to Winter. Loki hung his head and followed me into the restaurant, and I ordered for Winter, seeing as he had no idea what was good and what wasn't.

"You two okay?" I asked when I sat down on the same side of the booth as Loki. I wanted to show Loke I wasn't still mad at him, and give Winter a little space as he did have broader shoulders than Loke did. Winter nodded in response to my question. Loki just stick his tongue out at me, which meant yes in his childish body language.

"(y/f/n)." one of the workers called out. I stood up and tousled Loki's hair as I did so. I reached for Winters hair and flipped the ends of the few strands that had escaped from the elastic band. I could have sworn I saw a ghost of a smile on his face as I walked past. I walked up to the counter to grab our food, and the girl working the counter stopped me.

"You're with those two guys right?" She asked. I looked around. There were many guys.

"That depends on which two guys you're talking about." I said sarcastically. She sighed.

"The tall ones, one has longish black hair, one has brown hair pulled back into a bun?" He said. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm with them. Why?" I asked. She sighed again, though this time it was a sharp short sigh. Like she was frustrated.

"You're really lucky you know. They're gorgeous. Hey, do y'think you could give the black haired one my number?" She asked, flashing me a straight-toothed smile. Can you say fuckgirl much? I snorted and shook my head.

"Sorry sister, He doesn't have a phone." I said which was a lie. Loki had Asgardian tech, which was nicer than Earth tech. I was about to take the tray when she stopped me one more time.

"What about the brown haired one?" She asked. I swore under my breath in Asgardian, and turned back to her.

"Listen, they're hungry. They want food, not a girlfriend. So kindly back off my best friend and my boyfriend." I snapped, before realizing I had just called Winter my boyfriend. She looked taken aback and I stalked off with our food. I dropped the tray on the table and plopped down in the space next to Winter. He looked down at me, and whispered something incoherent.

"What?" I asked. Winter didn't reply, just looked back towards the counter. The girl smiled shyly at Winter. He just pressed his lips together before turning back to face me, and repeating his former question.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded curtly, and Winter gently wrapped his left arm around my shoulders, pulling me flush against his side. He pressed his lips to the top of my head and I was slightly surprised by his sudden affection. Loki reached his hand over the table and patted mine. I smiled at him, and he took that as a sign to start eating. He grabbed the two largest burgers off the tray before I snatched them back.

"Those are Wi-" Winter himself cut me off.

"Bucky." He said quietly. I turned my head towards him as I set the burgers in front of him and took my own food.

"Huh?" I asked again.

"Bucky. My name is Bucky."

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