I can't trust you

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Hey lovelys, I'm going to try to update once a month. I truly don't know what will happen in the end of this book because I'm writing on the spot.
Picture is of Ashton!
Song: Don't you dear forget the sun by Get Scared, with a little bit of creepypasta.

I woke up to some lady saying that we have to get up so she could check our vitals.
"What time is it" I ask squinting at the bright lamp over my head, "five-thirty" she replied. "Why are we up so early" I questioned her.

"Doctor white want's all patience up early so they can start their day with all the activities she has planned and therapy sessions" she explain as she pulled a needle out to draw blood, I squeeze my eyes shut a she put the needle into my arm, I know right I can cut and destroy my body but I can't take a needle I've never understand that either but what can I say I'm different.

My eyes finally cleared now that I was fully awake and I saw that the women who took my blood had on a name tag that said her name was Jessica.

Jessica walk to the other bed saying " wake up Ashton, you know the dril why do you always give me such a hard time every morning."
"Five more minutes jess" whined the boy under the covers, he spoke very sofly but even now I could tell he had a deep voice.

Jessica pull the covers off of Ashton and he yelled "it to damn cold in here!" " Why would anyone want to get up this early especially to have their vitals check and have a nasty ass breakfast."

I couldn't look away from him he looked just like Alec, there were a few differences such as this boy had bright pink hair to Alecs light blonde hair this boy was much taller then Alec or I, his eyes were the same green as Alec's but he had tattoos Alec would never got any tattoos.

Alec was afraid of needles maybe that's where my fear of needles came from? Just maybe.

Than I realize I was actually comparing him to my Alec no one could ever be compared to his beauty.
I shook my head and walk to the bathroom with my toiletries and a towel so I could shower and brush my teeth not to be weird or anything I was the type of person who felt it was necessary to bath twice a day and to brush your teeth three times a day, another habit Alec gave to me of course.

~A hour of getting all lovely up~

After a nice relaxing shower I walked back in to the room to see Ashton sitting there staring right at me.
"Finally your done! You know this is not just your room right I have to use the bathroom to " he yelled at me.

"I'm sorry" I apologize " I'm just not use to sharing the bathroom" I finished.

"Whatever, stay here till I finish my shower so I can show you to where we eat at."

I didn't have time to look around last night but now I can see two shelves and two deasks that were bolted down and a chair that was also boltid down, actually almost everything in this room was boltid besides the flat Pillow and the sad excuse of blankets, they look more like sheets.
How I was able to sleep with these are a mystery to me.

Ashton had emerged from the bathroom, " come on I'm hungry loser." Following him out of our room back to the main sitting room where they were serving breakfast which did not look heathy or edible at all.

A poke to my side drew me out of my thoughts, looking over at Ashton" just get in line and tell them your name." He said as he walked into the line.
" where are we suppose to sit at to eat?" I questioned him, seeing as their were no tables in this room which was odd to me consider they were serving the food in this room.
Ashton laughed at me pointing at a room that I just notice, " theirs tables in there, its just easier for them to serve it here."
"Oh okay" grabing my food and following Ashton to the mysterious room that just comes out of no where. It wasn't a big room at all, could only sit about fifteen of us in it without every one being to crowded.
Not that it would be a problem as swing as their is only six of us.
I didn't follow Ashton to sit with the other boys, I wanted to be alone to show doctor white that she can't control me, smiling laughing and talking with others would make it look like I was getting better and I wasn't.
Thirty minutes later Jessica walked in " okay everyone throw everything away and come back so we can do some schooling". Oh man I don't know how I forgot about school, I hate school with a passion not that I was bad in school I was the opposite.
But having school would make this a lot easier for me because I'm a lot more distant in school.
Walking back in the room all the boys sat together once again, I of course continued to walk to the back and took a seat as Jessica passed out work sheets.
Well this is going to be a long couple of hours

Once my lovelys that was just the beginning of his day, I will be writing more in a couple of days. I really want to write this story so bad but getting the motivation for it is a struggle anywhore I hope everyone has a good night 😴

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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