Chapter 2- Monday cont.

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"Really you stupid bitch, now I'm gonna get a zero on that assignment, I'm already on the brink of failing." Kara from my class that smoked at every passing period and revealed more than she should, spits in my face and pushes me against my locker.

I wanted to say 'Well that's not my fault that you don't listen in class and all you do is flirt around with the teacher' but I don't. I really needed to turn in that homework to bring my grade up. I had a 94 and that wasn't good enough. I just look away and she scoffs walking away.

I quickly get my stuff for my next class before anyone else decided to harass me. I run down the hall even though I had about five more minutes. I was dodging people left and right as they made their racists comment to me. I heard every single one.

Soon I trip over my own feet and my books and papers go flying everywhere. I don't even bother reacting or going to the floor to pick them up. If I even tried to go and pick them up I would get kicked in the face by some prick that didn't care. I knew that I would be late to class. I stand to the side as I see people walking all over my papers and kicking them across the hall

The halls finally clear and I quickly go and pick up my stuff trying to beat the bell, but there was no use. My papers are everywhere and I only had a minute. I don't even bother anymore and just take my time.

I make it to class three minutes late and everyone including the teacher is staring at me. I walk over to my seat in the back and I could hear the students, "That's that little n****r that fell right on her face before class." Ok that one stung. Maybe I shouldn't have ran to class.

"Mrs. Osborn your detention slip." Mr. Carrying extends his arm with the blue slip. I turn around and walk back to the front to get the slip. Even though I'm a good student and I I got a lot of these slips

Someone in the font row extends their foot and I don't have enough time to dodge it and I trip again. The whole class is laughing even the teacher. I quickly get up and grab the slip from the teachers hand. I look at the student who tripped me and he just shrugs it off and goes back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

Great I have detention. I only really got a detention because of my tardiness. I finally make it to my seat without anymore injuries. The rest of the class time went pretty smooth without me getting noticed, and that's pretty much third period turned out.

4th period. I have P.E next. I hate P.E with a passion. It is an open opportunity for the students to hurt me without the teachers doing anything about it. It's not like that would do anything before.

I change in the girls bathroom instead of the gym locker, because... well you know. My life at school is pretty bad.

I make it to the gym late,  like I do in every situation. In my class are most of the 'jocks' or football players so Levi and Ian are in my class. Also some of the prettiest girls are in my class. They wear the shortest shorts in the world making all eyes on them. At least it took their eyes off of me.

I hear the whistle blow making everyone turn towards Mrs. Tide, "All right guys!" She yells making sure she had everyone's attention. "Ok! We are going to play a nice and easy game of Soccer!" She smiled when everyone cheered and gave each other highfives.

I definitely didn't want to play soccer. What the fuck Mrs. Tide. I walk over to her once the game gets going, "Mrs. Tide," I tap on her shoulder getting her attention when she doesn't answer me the first time.

"What it is tree trunk." She says brutally and looks back at the already started game of soccer.

"Well, I'm on my..." I start, but she doesn't let me finish.

"Don't give me that excuse again Osborn. You gave that same excuse to me last week, remember?" I did, didn't I. She doesn't even let me respond, she pushes me on the field, "Now get out there and kick some ass!"

I just sigh and try to just stay out of everyone's way to not get hurt. I do get hit in the shin a few times which was gonna give me a huge bruise tomorrow.

As the game goes on I manage to stay out of everybody's way until Ian had the ball and decided to try to make a goal. He was coming right towards me I would go left the same time he went right and then would try to go right the same time he went left. We did this little shuffle soon enough he crashes right into me making me fall right on my butt. Some how he stayed right on his feet.

"Oof!" Yep I knew it would happen sooner or later. I was knocked over by Ian as he was about to make a score. Oddly instead of just going on and making the score, he turns around. He looks at me for a second and then grabs my hand, which felt weird because no one ever touched my hand before. He pulls my up from the ground in one swift motion and then looks at me with that same expression he did when his book hit my head. Was he actually trying to be nice to me for a change? Was he actually going to change the error of his ways? Maybe, "Next time stay out of my way." He gives me an angry look and then gets back into the game. I spoke too soon.

"Osborn!" I look over to Mrs. Tide who looked pretty angry, "You're benched for the rest of the game!" Yes! That's exactly what I wanted!

I happily walk, more like limb, over to the bench as I watch the rest of this stupid sport. So I guess you could say getting to sit on that bench at gym class was the best part of my day.


It was finally the end of the day and I could go home. I was all bruised and beaten and I don't think I could take anymore. I grab my things from my locker placing them one by one in my bag, and then making it out the school without any interactions.

I have to go the the back of the school to get home which meant I had to see all the vapors and smokers back there getting their fix. I try to keep my head down not to get noticed. I just wanted to get home.

"Hey that's that n****r I was tellin you about." One of the druggies yells and their posy comes up to me and grabs my backpack off my back and throwing me to the ground. "You fucking bitch. You think you can just rule the world don't you." I keep my mouth shut and just let them do whatever they wanted.

They punch me repeatedly all at once and soon the punches stop. I hear a grunt and I look up to seen Levi pulling them off of me. He didn't even have to say a word he just gave them a look and they knew to leave me be.

He pulls me up from the ground and I involuntarily shrugs his hands off of me brushing myself off, "What, I don't get something as simple as a thank you?" He turns me towards him so I was facing him.

He did not deserve my thank you, because he was one of the people who usually picked on me or slapped me around. I just squat down to pick up my bag and leave. I try to walk away and he pulls me towards him again, "Really Octavia?" He knew my name? He looks at me with his dark green eyes, worried? I've never truly seen that expression on anyone's face.

I just kind of shrug and get out of his grasp and walk towards him house, "You better not tell anyone about this you.. you... Trunk?" What the fuck insult was that?

I decide to respond, "Sure." Is all I say and then I walk home with a small smirk on my face.

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