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W – Dude!

D – It was an accident!

W – Accident?!

W – You can bump into someone on 'accident'.

W – You can't pick pocket someone on 'accident'!

W – But of all people you pick pocket on 'accident'


D – It was really a situation you can only understand by being there...

W – No you don't just pick pocket the Queen of Freaking England!

D – Well I bumped into her on accident...

W – Continue...

D – And she was all like "Oh hello Richard. Are you enjoying the fair?"

D – And I was all like "Oh it's very lovely." And what not!

D – Then I realize that when I had shaken her hand her solid gold and diamond studded bracelet fell into my hand!

D – So I'm about to go and find her to return it when an announcement goes over the speakers.

D – They say they've called the police because someone stole the Queen's bracelet!

W- So what did you do?

D – The only thing I could...

D – I ran out of there like a bat out of Hades!

W – You did what?!

W – Only guilty people flee from the crime!

D – What else was I supposed to do?!

W – Go and return it explaining what happened!

D – Now what fun would that have been?

D – I enjoyed being hunted by British police too much to have been sensible.

W – You're a psychopath you do know that right?

D – Of course! :)

(A/N - Sorry it took so long! I've had finals! I'll be updating on weekends again from now on. Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

Young Justice textsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora