Kid Flash x Fate!Reader

Start from the beginning

"Dick," I mumbled quietly as I pulled away, "where's Wally?" Dick's smile automatically faded. 
"He's home, but- (Y/N)!" But it was too late - I ran into my old room, grateful that it had remained the same, and grabbed my bag, throwing the helmet inside before running into the garage.
"(Y/N), wait, please!" Dick cried, trying to catch my arm. I maneuvered around him, jumping onto a motorbike. 
"Sorry, Dick. But I need to see him."
"You don't understand. He-" I cut him off by revving the engine, turning around with a loud screech of the tire and leaving. 

I knocked on the door furiously, unable to control my excitement. I was finally going to see the boy I promised a date with th-
"May I help you?" A woman said with bright red hair, opening the door.
"Uh, is Wally here? I'm a friend of his."
"He's at his apartment - he's been there for a while. Didn't you know that?" She looked at me cautiously. 
"I- uh, I've been out of state for a while. . . studying abroad," Yeah - like space. "Do you think you can give me the address?" The woman smiled kindly before scribbling on a piece of paper. 

The next thing I knew I was parked outside Wally's house, the motorbikes engine rumbling. I glanced between the piece of paper and the apartment. Letting out a shaky breath I finally turned off the engine, removing my helmet. I glanced at the moving shadows in the window as I crossed the street, stepping forward to get a closer look. I gasped and held a hand to my mouth, tears filling my eyes. Wally and Artemis sat snugly on the couch, legs intertwined as they were caught in a kiss. They pulled away, staring at each other with a smile. I ran across the road to prevent myself from seeing anything else. And with tears still dripping off my cheeks, I sped off. 

I spent the night at an old hotel, grateful for slipping my wallet into my bag before I left Mount Justice. But that gratefulness easily passed when I visualized Wally and Artemis kissing once again. More tears fell until I thought they were going to run dry. It wasn't until the morning that I had realized I had run dry. I opened my bag and emptied it onto the bag, picking up the helmet of Doctor Fate and holding it close. 
"I wish I could talk to you," I croaked in a low voice, "even if you are an old man." I sighed and put the helmet back down. Without the helmet, I no longer had a home; Zatanna was always off on a mission; Dick would already be busy whilst handling the team; the rest of the Justice League wouldn't be able to take care of me, much rather wanting to look after the helmet, I supposed. 

Staring down at the gold helmet, Fate's word echoed through my head: "Promise me that no matter what, you will push yourself to your own self-fulfillment." I rubbed my thumb over the helmet as a smile grew on my face. 
"I made a promise, didn't I, old man?" Putting the helmet to the side, I quickly showered, attempting to wake myself up.
"No more crying - you've been stuck in that helmet for five years now and you're not going to let some boy drag you down," I told myself as I pulled on my shoes, then headed out the door. 
"First - I'm gonna need a job."

It didn't take long before I found myself working at the ice-cream store a few blocks away from the hotel I stayed at, and eventually I gained enough money to rent out an apartment. It had been a month since I had last seen anyone from or related to the Justice League.
"You're late," Scott sang as I walked in the door, still tucking in my shirt. I rolled me eyes and entered behind the register, throwing my bag into the back room. 
"I'm sorry," I sighed, "I was up last night-"
"Finishing your enrollment form for that big business university you want to go to - I know." I let out a breathless laugh.
"I'm sorry," I said again, "but you know how much getting into this university means to me."
"Yeah, yeah," Scott said, waving his hand. "Why are you even studying it? Wanna go work for the big Bruce Wayne, do ya?" I bit my tongue to keep myself from laugh, remembering that Bruce Wayne was Batman. But I nodded my head. Scott laughed, "well, go big or go home, right?" 

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